If you’re looking for some new clothing or outdoor gear, check out these deals at Mountain Equipment Coop Canada! If you head over to Mountain Equipment Coop’s clearance section you can find great deals on just about everything you need for the summer for up to 75% off!
If you’re looking for some affordable clothing, Mountain Equipment Coop has some great deals on items like this Men’s V-Neck T-Shirt. Originally sold for $17, you can purchase it now for only $11. This simple slim fitting V-neck tee is perfect for casual wear with jeans, joggers or shorts. The great thing about this tee is that it’s made from organically grown cotton.
Mountain Equipment Coop has a great selection of gear for babies and children as well. This MEC Soleil 2 Hat originally sold for $23, but you can purchase it now for $6. Great for infants or small children, this hat features a generous brim that offers great protection for your child’s face, neck and ears. It’s also reversible so you can change up the style whenever you feel like it!
These deals are on for a limited time only, while supplies last. Mountain Equipment Coop is offering free shipping on all orders until July 12, 2015. It’s important to note that MEC is a retail co-operative and in order to buy or rent gear from MEC, you must be a member. A lifetime individual membership is $5.
Click here to begin shopping online at Mountain Equipment Coop Canada.