National Geographic Magazine Offer: 12 monthly issues for $20

Get up to 90% off National Geographic magazine subscription via Wag Jag. Print subscription includes 12 monthly issues. Regular price is $139.87, but you’ll pay $20 which is a savings of about $119! You can also get the e-version for National Geographic for $14. Personally I’d go with the prints and enjoy having the magazines mailed to me.

National Geographic magazine is a highly respected magazine and has very informative and interesting articles on topics about the environment, deforestation, chemical pollution, global warming, and endangered species.

Click here to order National Geographic Magazine now

2 responses to “National Geographic Magazine Offer: 12 monthly issues for $20”

  1. Bargain Seeker says:

    That is an excellent deal. I ordered two.

  2. Ziggy says:

    This is great!! Signed up 🙂


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