OMG Here it is! The list of coupons that will be on the Nov. 6th edition of the Brandsaver flyer are:
save 1.00 wub any one Covergirl product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 3.00 wub any two Covergirl products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 75 cents wub any Pantene styling product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any one Clairol hair colour product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 3.00 wub any 2 Clairol hair colour products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any Head and Shoulders shampoo or conditioner (excluding trial sizes) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.50 wub any Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner (excluding trial sizes) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 10.00 on any Triumph or professional care series toothbrush exp in Dec 31 2010
Buy any Old Spice deodorant and get any Old Spice bodywash FREE exp in Dec 31 2010
save 3.00 on any two Old Spice products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 10.00 wub any Braun shaver exp in Dec 31 2010
save 20.00 wub any Clean and Renew shaver (models 370cc, 390cc, 570cc, 590cc, 760cc, 790cc) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any Metamucil powders product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any Metamucil wafers product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any 2 Pepto-Bismol products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 10.00 wub any My Grid starter kit (includes cell phone starter kit and iPhone starter kit) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 5.00 wub any My Grid accessory or USB charger exp in Dec 31 2010
save 75 cents wub any Duracell coppertop batteries exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any Duracell hearing aid exp in Dec 31 2010
save 4.00 wub any one Pampers wipes and any one Pampers diapers exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any one Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers, or Cruisers exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any Vicks Nyquil product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any Vicks Vapour rub or Baby rub product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents on any Pringles superstack (162g- 191g) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 5.00 wub any one Febreze flameless luminares starter kit exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any one Febreze luminares refill exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any one Febreze soy blend candle exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any one Febreze scented reed diffuser exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any one Febreze product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any two Febreze products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 4.00 wub any three Febreze products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 2.00 wub any two brands Tide, Downy, or Bounce exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents wub any Tide laundry detergent exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any Downy liquid fabric softEner exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents wub any Bounce dryer bar or sheets exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any Tide stain release or Bounce dryer bar exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents on any one Charmin product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents wub any one Bounty paper towel product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 50 cents on any Puffs product exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.25 wub any 2 Bounty, Charmin, or Puffs products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 75 cents on any Mr. Clean spray wub any Mr. clean liquid or magic eraser (excluding 1ct erasers) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any 2 Mr. Clean products (excluding 1 ct erasers) exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any 2 Dawn products exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.00 wub any Swiffer dusters or swiffer dust and shine exp in Dec 31 2010
save 5.00 wub any Swiffer sweepervac starter kit exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.50 wub any Swiffer sweeper starter kit exp in Dec 31 2010
save 1.50 wub any 2 Swiffer refills exp in Dec 31 2010
save 3.00 wub any Swiffer wetjet starter kit exp in Dec 31 2010
A big thank you goes out to moony25 for taking the time to type out this list for us!
they sure cut back didnt they. Many coupons are half as much as there were last time. No cascades either 🙁
ugh, not much I’ll use 🙁 Is this one in the newspaper or online? How did this person get ahold of it already???
not a fan of these coupons at all, glad I am well stocked up.
Thanks for posting. I sure am going to miss the $9WUB3, $5WUB2 and high value coupons for razors. A good variety of coupons though.
!! thats a lot of coupons for the brandsaver flyer in the newspaper isn’t it? I was whistling when I saw the list. Thanks for the post.
No easy ups? And so random the pringles lol.
Good thing I (we) stocked up with the HV $5 & $9 coupons!!! Not too much here this time! 🙁
If only any of these were valid into the new year. I mean, that’s not even 8 weeks that they’ll be good for. Heck, is better than that!
What papers are these found in.. I never see these.
“No factory fire exits; dirty, cramped dorms. 10 to a room; for 70 hours a week, warehouse workers earn $3.44; no benefits; no legal work contract; workers have never heard of a Code of Conduct”
“Forced overtime-stiff fines for refusal; overtime premium of 2 1/2 cents an hour; some workers not paid 3-4 months; 12 to a dorm room; no benefits, no work contract; never heard of a Code of Conduct”
“Wal-Mart is pulling out of this factory and other large publicly owned plants in the north to relocate its work to unregulated lower-wage privately owned sweatshops in the south of China”
Nothing too exciting, Price Chopper or Food Basics one of those has Old Spice deo on for $2 this weekend so good time to use the buy one deo get free body wash.
Only 2 Pampers coupons 🙁
Is this in the paper or in the ad circulars? Anyone know?
if someone need extra, pm bojojoe in the forum to discuss offers