New Canadian Printable Coupons: Clorox, GreenWorks, Mother Hen & More from

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Good Friday All!

There is a new and wonderful coupon site for Canadians!  It’s called couponclick and it has printable coupons on it that I think are going to come in very useful.  You do have to register for the site and validate your email address before you can print any of their coupons.  You are allowed to print each coupon up to 3 times and they are valid for a month after printing.  They have a Canadian flag on them and state “Only valid in Canada” so you shouldn’t have a problem using them at stores that accept printables.

Right now there are coupons available for Clorox, GreenWorks, Mother Hen Organics, Guardian Angel Foods, Palmolive, Nivea and Nature Clean products.  There is a coupon for $1.00 off Clorox Wipes which is great this week because WalMart has them on for $1.48 so with coupon they are only $0.48!

I hope they keep adding coupons.  Wouldn`t it be great if it became as diverse as

Click here to register and print your coupons!

And a huge THANK YOU to swingdalia for finding this site and bringing it to our attention!

17 responses to “New Canadian Printable Coupons: Clorox, GreenWorks, Mother Hen & More from”

  1. nancym says:

    Just printed out the clorox ones this am and they expire today i hope they change this

  2. maybe says:

    They expire today! I printed mine out yesterday and they expire on October 30. That’s really weird. The sale does start at WM today so use them if you get the chance. So odd!

  3. Puddin57 says:

    I had no problem…mine are dated Nov 01….but a great find to add to SC

    • maybe says:

      Oh good. I wonder why those ones printed with the super short expiry date? I thought it was a super find too. Can’t wait to get more Clorox Wipes, we seem to go through them rather quickly.

  4. couponmom says:

    Important to note. The Clorax Wipes in my Walmart add are the regular ones that have been on sale. The ones that are offered on CouponKlick are a canister style so Walmart may not take the coupon. Anybody able to use this coupon?

    • maybe says:

      Couponmom: There are two different Clorox Wipes coupons on the site, the canister ones and the regular ones. There is also a save $1.00 on any Clorox product one. The regular Clorox wipes one and the any Clorox will work for the Walmart deal.

  5. abby5 says:

    Used the wipes and the any clorox product today at WM-wipes for .48 -Yeah!!

  6. Savergirl123 says:

    Beside the $ amount it says the date you printed the coupon but on the upper left hand it says the expiry date. Hopefully you were just looking in the wrong spot.
    If you printed the max 3 coupons when can you print the coupons again?

  7. dealsniffer says:

    I can’t join up. it says that the dealsniffer username is already being used and my email as well. But I have never signed up for this and I checked my email and never recieved anything from them. odd.

  8. abirdd says:

    Wow – a site with Mother Hen coupons… woohoo!!

  9. Rox says:

    Printable coupons are great…if you can use them. A friend of mine has now tried every retailer in town and no one will accept a printed (from your own printer) coupon. Makes you wonder what scared off the retailers in Ottawa!

  10. D. Haimes says:

    Note All coupons printed from a computer on paper are not accepted by ANY CANADIAN GROCERY STORE. (example A& P Dominion, Fortinos, Safeway) These coupons can be used in Zeller and Shoppers Drug Mart still. But all coupons that are from places like, or in the newspaper inserts are good in all stores including Canadian Tire.

  11. maybe says:

    I have used printables at Safeway, Superstore and Extra Foods without a problem.

  12. Christian says:

    Hello everyone! I am Director of Business Development for I want to thank you all for your support and comments.
    We totally understand the resistance from some retailers to accept printable coupons. Unfortunately, few of them realize that not all printable coupons are created equal. And as we continue educating them on the difference between PDF non secure coupons and our secure coupons, our hope is that Canadian grocery retailers will catch up and accept them.
    The US went through the same transition and today, they are widely accepted. If you have any additional feedback on where you find our coupons are most accepted, We welcome your feedback! Simply visit the “Contact us” page of our site and connect! You can also follow us on!

    We appreciate your support and as consumers, we need to keep on demanding our local grocery stores to accept the “” branded coupons if you want to have more and more great savings from our partners in the future!


  13. jacko says:

    Christian – NO printable coupons are secure. I can take your coupon and photo copy it tons of times without a problem. I can scan it in my computer and print it tons of times without a problem. I can can scan it and adjust the dollar amount VERY EASILY without a problem. These coupons that are fraud don’t get caught at point of purchase, they get caught at the clearinghouse level, and by that time, its too late, we the retailers have already given the discount and out the money.

    You say you can “track” the coupon easily. I beg to disagree. First of all, I can create ANY alias that I want on the internet and use email like hotmail, gmail, yahoo. Good luck finding me. Next, I can use an IP anonymizer – good luck finding me.

    Additionally, how do you handle an issue when a consumer hands a coupon over to the casheir, and then from that point the coupon is copied, manimpulated…etc? How can you go back and blame the consumer.

    Print at home at this stage is very insecure, so please do not “spin” manufacturers and retailers otherwise. Consumers get mad at us, when in reality, its YOUR coupon that is the problem.

  14. jacko says: printable coupons NOT accepted everywhere. they are not secure. they are problematic. Consumers – this is WHY we don’t accept printable coupons. I just want to be clear, we’d love to accept them, but WAY TOO MUCH RISK.

    The bank wouldn’t allow us to print money on our computers…the coupon represents money. Same thing.


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