The Poise Canada website has several new printable coupons available, and you can visit the website by clicking the link at the bottom of the post.
Interestingly these coupons don’t show the dollar off amounts, and not even when I signed in to see if that might change after doing so. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but you might have to print preview the coupons to see the amounts printed on them. Here are the available coupons:
- Save On Poise Ultra Thin Pads
- Save On Poise Active Collection Incontinence Pads
- Save On One By Poise Pads
- Save On One By Poise Liners
- Get Poise Incontinence Pantiliners For Less
You can print two of each coupon once you have signed in or signed up. If you already have an account with another Kimberly-Clark brand such as Huggies, etc. you may use that same information to sign in.
Click here to get your printable Poise coupons.