Nintendo Wii fun ‘tips n tricks’

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Came across these tips and tricks on a Wii forum & IGN. This is a must read for all Nintendo Wii owners.

1. Press the home button on the main menu. Next click on the controller image. You can adjust the wii-mote volume and rumble functions

2. Hold a and b down and you can move the windows on the main menu around.

3. In order to add someone to your friend’s list you BOTH have to enter eachother’s Number ID and Console Nickname to be able to send messages and Mii’s

4. Want your plain-looking Wii to have some style? Add a blue light around you CD drive anytime the console is on by doing the following:

Go to your email from the home menu, and add your personal computer email address to your address book. Wait ~1 hour for the email (mine took at least this long) Reply to the email from your computer. In a few minutes, you will have an email waiting for you on your Wii. Don’t read it! As long as it remains new, you have a pretty blue light!

5. In wii sports bowling, you can release on the back swing and throw the ball backwards. It scares all the miis behind you.

6. Email A Wii: You can email any Wii that you know the Friend code for. The Email address will be w(Wii Number here) For Example: [email protected]

7. Get rid of Generic Teammates/Spectators: The Wii will automatically use the other Miis in your Plaza as teammates and spectators in certain Wii sports games. Create friends and family, and you can get rid of the generic Miis.

8. Register and Extend Warranty: Register your Console on, get a free 90 day extension to your warranty.

9. Get Free Nintendo Power: Register 3 Nintendo products on, and get 3 months of Nintendo Power free.

10. Extra Parts: There are two parts to the Wii in your box that you may either not find, or never know what they are. The first is a Clear Disc piece. This piece fits under your Wii stand to Stabalize it’s balance. The second is a Small(1″ – 1.5″) plastic Piece. This piece is the stand for the Sensor bar. It puts some disntance between your TV and the bar. In theory, that should give you a better angle reception.

11. Get Miis in your parade: Setting your Miis to Mingle, and having your friends do the same thing will soon have Miis walking around in your parade. Your friends’ Miis will wonder over to your console and parade around, so long as they are set to Mingle. You can then grab them and send them to your Plaza so you have a copy.

12. In Zelda, the direction Link spins when doing a spin attack depends on which way you spin your nunchuck

13. In Wii Sports Bowling, when you press up on the Directional Pad, it will zoom in on the lane. The zoom in sound is the exact same sound from Super Mario 64 anytime you moved the camera.

14. If you go to the Channel section in your menu you can choose to save VC games on a SD card….

15. In LOZ:TP if you keep it at the start screen for an extended period of time, it plays an extremely extended trailer that they didn’t show to the general public which is pretty cool.

16. On hole 3 of Wii Sports Golf, there is a small section of fairway at about a 45 degree angle to the left from the tee box. It is a small patch surrounded by Out Of Bound-ness. If you can land your ball on there, you can easily make it on the green in 2, to to Eagle the course.

17. Wii Video 9 – Wii Video Converter

Wii Video 9 is a free video conversion application developed by Red Kawa. It allows you to convert your computer video files (like avi, divx, mpeg, etc.) into the specific video formats that are playable on the Wii.

Wii Video 9 can also be combined with Videora, another software application, and together they can let you automatically download and convert video for your Wii using BitTorrent and RSS technology.

18. In the Wii menus, turn your wrist and the hand cursor will also turn.

19. from Varelse: I just found and confirmed a little easter egg. I’m not sure if it’s already known, but while your Wii is powered down you can press any button on your Wiimote and lights will flash. The number of lights flashing is the amount of charge left in your battery (1 is least charge, 4 is most charge)

20. In Wii Bowling, if you aim right to any lane near you, you can throw your ball there, but you won’t hit any pins unless you aim right.

21. Zelda. You can skip cutscenes in Zelda by hitting the – button

22. Black Ninja Wii Bowling easter egg YouTube – Wii Sports Bowling Easter Egg

23. When you purchase a virtual console title and Mario runs across the screen, if you happen to get fire flower Mario, you can shoot fireballs with the A button.

24. Omie When looking at your messages press a+b and you can move the messages around. If you have A LOT of messages like me then you can arrange them in this manner or you can just delete them

6 responses to “Nintendo Wii fun ‘tips n tricks’”

  1. blah says:

    whoopi – sounds fun… NOT

  2. derek says:

    blah is a asshole, probably a virgin too. why even leave a comment like that. go be a dick somewhere else bud

  3. tippin says:

    this article is totally awesome, i can’t wait to try some of these things.

    and i agree with derek, people like blah should just not post if they’re going to bash the article without reason.

  4. deutsche-stimme says:

    Thanks for newsletters!

  5. blah's freind says:

    amazing u geek ur so cool wish i was u and i agree with blah and derek is gay

  6. Louis says:


    I always enjoy coming to this site because you offer great tips and advice for people like me who can always use a few good pointers. I will be getting my friends to pop around fairly soon….


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