No Frills Hauliday Offer Day 3: Get 2,500 PC Optimum Points for Every 500 Count Q-Tips Purchased

As I mentioned earlier in the week, No Frills Canada is counting down the “Haulidays” with special daily offers. These offers began on December the 1st but the Day 1 and Day 2 offers weren’t even really worth mentioning. Not every day will bring a great offer, but eventually there will be free coupons available so stay tuned.

The Day 3 offer has been made available, and it’s a loadable PC Optimum offer. Get 2,500 PC Optimum points for every 500 count Q-Tips purchased. To use this offer, click the link below and you are able to add it to the PC Optimum offers in your app. The offer is then valid for one-time use until its expiry date of March the 31st, 2023.

If you want to go ahead and use the offer this week, the 500 count is $4.49 at No Frills, but you can price match Superstore’s price of $3.98. After the value of the points, your cost for the Q-Tips is $1.99.

Click here to load your digital offer for 2500 PC Optimum Points when you purchase 500 count Q-Tips. 

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