No Frills Ontario: Free Danone Yogurt After Coupon Again This Week


If you missed out on this deal last week or just want more free yogurt, the $1 deal on Danone yogurt is back at No Frills this week. If you are registered for the DanOn printable coupon portal, you can print coupons for both types of the yogurt, allowing you to grab either or both for free.Sign in or register on the DanOn Coupon Portal and you will have access to print the following three coupons:

  • Save $3 on the purchase of two packages of Danone 0% yogurt
  • Save $3 on the purchase of two packages of Danone Creamy yogurt
  • Save $1.25 on the purchase of one package of Danone Creamy yogurt

You may print each coupon only once per computer, but if you print all three coupons, this will allow you to purchase five packages in total and pay absolutely nothing. The coupons do specify they are valid on ANY format of the yogurt, so these four packs certainly qualify.  Walmart typically do not have these smaller four-packs so you will not be able to get overage there on this deal.

Click here to print these coupons through the DanOn coupon portal.

3 responses to “No Frills Ontario: Free Danone Yogurt After Coupon Again This Week”

  1. AJ says:

    I tried to use a $3 coupon last week at No Frills. They wouldn’t accept it as they said the value of the coupon is greater than the value of the yogurt.

    • FallenPixels says:

      They accepted it for me, they just wrote the price on the coupon and entered the price of the product

  2. ML says:

    I tried to use it too. They said no because the 1$ Danone yogurt on sale does not look like the one in the picture of the coupon lol.


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