You can get an amazing deal on Royale bathroom tissue this week at No Frills Ontario! Until the end of Wednesday, which is the 14th, No Frills has Royale bathroom tissue 12=24 rolls advertised for $3.97 if you are a PC Optimum member. You must scan your card in order to receive it for this special price.
The other day I mentioned that Royale has a new promotion starting for a $5 coupon when you purchase $20 worth of Royale products. This promotion begins today, so you could purchase $20 worth of Royale at this price and get a $5 coupon back. You can also print a $2 coupon for Royale when you register for the program. With this $2 coupon you will pay just$1.97 for the Royale bathroom tissue this week.
To participate in the promotion you can use as many coupons as you like, just ensure that your subtotal spent on Royale is exactly $20 or more. If you were to spend $19.99 they will not approve it. Also, if you are using coupons you should probably also make sure that your entire receipt is over $20.
Click here to view this offer in the No Frills Ontario flyer.
Click here to print your coupon for $2 off Royale.