No Frills Ontario has another great flyer starting tomorrow, full of $1 and $2 deals. Piller’s Shaved Ham 200g is advertised in this flyer for just $2, and there is a coupon that you can use that is still available for $1 off, making the ham just $1 with the coupon. Click below to print the coupon through the Smart Canucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. To locate the coupon, first select “Piller’s” from the brand drop down menu.
Some other deals to note in this flyer include select kinds of Catelli pasta for $1. Depending what varieties are included and what coupons you have, you may be able to pick some up for free. There is also a new tear pad coupon out there in the world for $1 off any two Hunt’s or Aylmer products. Hunt’s pasta sauce is just $1 this week so if you are able to locate the $1 off when you buy two coupon this is an item you can pick up for 50 cents.
Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of any Piller’s product.
Click here to view the No Frills Ontario flyer valid May the 4th to the 10th.