No Frills To Price Match Multi-Buy Deals?

iloveagreatdeal has posted on the forums that as of this week, No Frills is to become more lenient in price-matching including allowing multi-buy deals.  Their fineprint on the price-matching terms does seem to have dropped the multi-buy language, so hopefully this rumour proves to be true.

For me, No Frills is the hardest to price-match at, between keeping my flyer or writing on my flyer and then giving it back to me, getting a manager approval and printing a duplicate receipt I have not bothered price-matching there in some time.  I will be interesting to try given the new rules and so many stores offering multi-buy deals.

21 responses to “No Frills To Price Match Multi-Buy Deals?”

  1. Onshopper says:

    I’ve had no hassles price matching at our Alcona No Frills – the cashier just enters the price on the register and away I go. I imagine like any other retailer, large batches of things would need an override.

  2. FallenPixels says:

    Mine require a manager for one item, they initial the flyer, print out a copy of receipt, manager initials that too, they staple the two and put it in cash register. It is why I have not been there to price match in forever, especially with Walmart just down the street

  3. miss tree says:

    mine writes out matches, then rewrites them on a dupe receipt after i leave. while the cashiers used to have to call the office every time they wanted to do a price match, now a manager or supervisor is only needed when the price difference is ‘large’ & an override authorization is needed on the cash register. i keep asking them why they don’t just keep a stapler handy (to staple the scrap of paper with the actual vs adjusted prices together) instead of rewriting everything. sometimes i write everything out for them while i’m shopping, trying to save them some time during my order, but they often just copy my notes onto a scrap of paper & then onto the dupe receipt instead of saving themselves from copying it out in the 1st place – duh! – so i’ve stopped doing it.

  4. FallenPixels says:

    Yes, compared to Walmart just typing in an override code, its too much work with all the writing. It does seem to change from stores though.

  5. Dotty says:

    Interesting — it seems to be a store by store experience. I’m in London, and my No Frills is great at price matching. In fact, the cashiers seldom check the other flyers as they have the prices for other stores already memorized!

  6. Mamanbear says:

    I have never had a problem price matching at either our Belleville or Brighton locations. Mind you, I don’t shop at the Belleville one because of a few cashiers being snotty with me. I just show my flyer and off I go. There isn’t even a limit on how many I can get. Belleville also has a limit of 10 items. I love the idea of multi-buy. I would buy so many more things if they did that.

  7. linguistar says:

    Hi there,
    I’ve never ever had a problem with them either. I just put the item on the flyer and it’s good to go! No writing of anything. Once the discount was a lot so they had to get the manager’s approval that’s it. In fact I’ve seen A LOT of people price matching here in Brampton.

  8. kerry says:

    The cashier in my Vancouver store just enters the new price in the register,I’ve done this 4 or 5 times,and they do with a smile…

  9. DianneS says:

    My experience at another No Frills store in Metro Vancouver is the same as kerry’s. No Frills in my neighbourhood is awesome for coupons and and for price matching. There are 6 other major grocery stores within a 10-block radius, though, so that may be part of the reason why. Competition can be great for consumers!

  10. Theresa says:

    My No Frills is great if you get one of the senior cashiers who do not need approval. Getting a young cashier who needs to call for approval is annoying because it holds up the line.
    Walmart remains the best because I can just go through the express and not hold anyone up.

  11. AMYCANADA77 says:

    Superstore in Kitchener Ontario basically price matches whatever I want – multi-buys – one days sales even though it’s a different day etc.
    And it’s a fast process – they just override it immediately – no hassle
    Love love love it
    I price match at least a third of my grocery bill


    My previous experience with No Frills was good but now is away from my house and i mostly purchase at food basics and SOBEYS which are on walking distance from my home.

  13. Monica says:

    I was surprised to find out that No Frills does not accept Visa !!!

  14. htruc says:

    Yes I too say No Frills is one of the hardest place to price match items. I tried to price match items from a Chinese newspaper and they tell me its not in there region. And then there is another time, I go to another No Frills that is in there region and they tell me it’s not one of there competitors.. Since then I just don’t bother. Superstore and Wal-Mart are more lenient went price matching.

  15. queenie says:

    Price-matching at the Mississauga No Frills locations has been easy for me. They usually just give the manager a call and punch in the new price. No initialing flyers or anything….

  16. Valerie says:

    I used to shop at Kevin’s Nofrills in Oakville, but they make price matching very difficult because they confiscate my flyer each time. Now I only go there at the end of the week if I do not need the flyer any more. Otherwise, I do all my shopping and price matching at Walmart. It is easy and the cashiers are wonderful.

  17. nicole says:

    No Frills is the hardest to price They date the coupon so you ant use it again, write out what you are buying, quantity and bar code. It just takes forever. Half the time they need a manager’s approval. So I just to go Walmart which is down the steet from them. Hope it is true that they are going to be more lenient.

  18. FallenPixels says:

    Seems to be such a wide variation in their price matching policies, some posters are fairly close to me too

  19. Vicki says:

    At my No-Frills, I was using two different free item coupons for 2 different items, and a price match on a third item, in addition to my regular shopping. the clerk put the first free item on a separate bill, then the second free item on another bill, then the third item( the price match) on yet another bill. I had 4 bills. All to discourgage usage?

  20. La says:

    They are the absolute worst for price matching. They make up their own quantities allowed to match, which varies from 2 to 4 to no limit; they refuse to return the flyer even if you still need it; they never have the authority to do it on their own and always have to wait ages for the singular person who does. I pretty much never even shop there anymore for all this.


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