Oasis Canada gives you the ability to print coupons for their products directly from their website, and there is now a new coupon available. Save $1 on any Oasis orange juice 1.5L or 2.5L with the coupon that you will find through the link below.
This coupon can be printed four times per email per month, and it says the offer is valid until January the 2nd, 2024. The coupon may remain on the website until then, but if you print a coupon now, the expiry date will be one month from now, February the 9th, 2023.
There is a second coupon that you can print, and it’s for 5o cents off the purchase of 8x200ml Oasis juice. This can also be printed four times per email per month. The Oasis juice boxes are $2.49 at Real Canadian Superstore Ontario this week, making them $1.99 with the printed coupon. The 1.5L orange juice is buy one get one free at Longo’s this week. The price is $4.99, so you would pay $3.99 for one and get one free!
Click here to print your coupons from Oasis Canada.