Old Navy Canada $1 Fuzzy Chenille Socks! (Dec 19)

Old Navy is doing it again … having another $1 item sale one day only where you are sure to get run over! 🙂

This time it’s their cozy chenille socks … and really is there anything more comfy in the winter?


Get there early!!

thanks to lyssapaquette475 for this deal!

12 responses to “Old Navy Canada $1 Fuzzy Chenille Socks! (Dec 19)”

  1. Islandlakes says:

    In Moncton the parking lot is tiny and so people risk running across busy traffic to get to Old Navy! Hmmm……may be worth it though!

  2. carlycanadian says:

    Wow, will have to ask a friend in Windsor to pick some up for me! I’m an hour away! LOL

  3. AmberLab says:

    Aw, I do love fuzzy socks and I might be in the area tomorrow. Decisions…

  4. Fay. H. says:

    They look like they will stretch easily thou…

  5. dawn_sweety says:

    Fay.H. the fuzzy socks usually do stretch easily but they seem to always be confy and for $1 it is worth trying out a pair to see if you like them or not

  6. Litesandsirens911 says:

    i was in the store today and the regular price for these is $5.00…they come in a wide variety of colors and I didn’t think they would stretch, they look well made, I wish they were on sale TODAY…i have to drive 1 hour to get there…

  7. Queen Sadi says:

    Just got my cozy socks! There was a limit of 5 per customer though! Anyways, I’m happy, got 5 pairs of socks for $4.97 (including taxes)!!!:)

  8. improperganda says:

    awesome, i’m going there today

  9. ladylisa2034 says:

    picked up 3 pairs for my daughter!! was surprised that they still had some at 2 p.m. … staff said that they were all sold out, but when I brought my 3 pair to the cash to price check them, how happy was I that they were the $1.00 sale ones!!

  10. brenda says:

    Got to the store around 3 pm, and they only had a handful of 2-tone green and 2-tone yellow left. oh well, guess i can put up with that for being able to walk around the house without freezing my feet!

  11. Ciel says:

    Aside from how chenille really makes some winter scarves look good (jewel tones), I am not a fan of chenille-the fibres attach to other clothing readily and to eyeglass lenses and eyelashes. Vacuum cleaner was needed to remove the fuzz from clothing.

    Pass on the chenille socks-go for dressy wool socks instead-better investment.

  12. mark says:

    Great blog you have here – Our housing market is very slow – Hopefully things will begin picking back up


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