Old Navy Canada Barkers Bones $10 Off $50 Printable Coupon


Heres this weeks Barkers Bones coupon!  Simple print and bring the coupon into any Old Navy store (excluding QC) and receive $10 off $50!  This would be great to combine with the 50% off clearance items Mrs January posted!  Want to try your luck on an elusive $50 off $100? Click here to do your own Barkers Bones search on Facebook.  I’m headed to my local Old Navy on Saturday.  I hope to score a ton of deals.

11 responses to “Old Navy Canada Barkers Bones $10 Off $50 Printable Coupon”

  1. Abby1 says:

    Here’s a link if you don’t have Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oldnavy?v=app_10442206389

  2. Digi says:

    I only got $15 off $75. 🙁

  3. coupondiva says:

    I got $5 off $50.

  4. caroman says:

    thanks for the link Abby1, I got 10 off 50.

  5. sabina says:

    I have two $10 off $50 yay me

  6. spammy10 says:

    whats the exp. date on these?

  7. Momand2kidz says:

    It says it’s valid 10/01/2010 until 10/07/2010

  8. Abby1 says:

    @caroman: you’re welcome! I got $15 off $75, but then I refreshed and tried again and got $10 off $50 🙂

  9. Candice says:

    good deal! went in today.. all woman’s jeans were $21.. so go 2 pairs of jeans + one of the sweaters on sale for $20 for a little over $50. thanks for posting this coupon!!

  10. Shannon says:

    I went today but I didn’t manage to print out the coupon ahead of time. So I went to my iphone, brought up this post and got to the link for the coupon, and told the sales clerk that I didn’t get to printing out my email, but could they scan the coupon from the email on my phone? She asked another cashier, who said that was fine, and they just typed in the coupon code! I’m excited for the future, wouldn’t it be nice to have a few less coupons to carry, if we could just show them on the phone.
    (I bet there’s an app for that lol)

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