Justine already blogged about this but here is a reminder since this sale starts today 😀
From November 12 to 15, 2009 get 30% off your entire purchase at Old Navy, Gap, Gap outlet, Banana Republic and Banana Republic Factory Stores all across Canada.
To get the discount you need to print and present the coupon.
Click here to print your invitation coupon
Thank you…have a GREAT day!
does anyone know if we can use the coupon on top of the $30 off coats? if so, when does the sale end?
yes, it can be combined with other offers, such as $30 off coats
i got 2 peacoats today for $178 :))
make sure you go there today because they are not doing holds during this promotion and coats have been flying off hangers!
I got myself a coat today! Regular $98 on for 50% off and then 30% off so it came to $34 after taxes! Great deal!
Does anyone know if this is valid online? or have an online code? We are military in Japan, so i can not go “in store”. Thanks!
lindsay, there is no canadian shipping on the websites.
anyone pay with gift cards during this promo?
I bought SIX coats today for $150 for the whole family! I was very, very happy 🙂
Lindsay I think your best option would be to contact the company. I didn’t even think the Canadian sites for these stores had online shopping.
Click on the coupon link and the fine print says coupon cannot be used online, nor on some of the brand names carried by the Gap or certain merchandise.
I had a look at winter accessories and may have seen something I like!
BTW, it seems many stores are having Friends & Family events this weekend or a promo tied to a certain $ level of shopping.
Hey, Ladies!
Melanie Lyne’s got 15% off lowest prices for Friends & Family this weekend.
Ricki’s is offering a certain value gift card good for Dec. purchases if you spend $60 before taxes this weekend.
Bought a coat yesterday at 50% off and I got an additional 30% off! Original price $109.00 down to $38! Sweet!!! Thanks!