Ontario Flyer Sneak Peeks: Ontario Black Friday Grocery Flyers

SC Official Ontario Grocery Store Flyer Sneak Peeks - SmartCanucks

If you are sticking to groceries rather than all the Black Friday deals this weekend, we have some sneak peeks from cyn88canada to help you plan the shopping week ahead.  View these flyer sneak peeks now to start your shopping list and compare prices to current flyers.  We have Freshco, no Frills and Food Basics to get your list started.

No Frills Ontario Black Friday Week Flyer Sneak Peek

No Frills is holding a $5 sale starting Thursday.  Since many items they sell are under $5 regularly, look for multi deals with 2 to 5 items for $5.  Some $5 specials include 6″ poinsettias, packs of 16 AA batteries, packs of 10 AAA batteries, a 3-pack of cookie tins with a red Christmas theme or food storage containers at 2 packs for $5.

Some of the items in the flyer are not actually deals and are often under $1 each or per pound, so do compare the prices to current flyers.

Freshco Ontario Black Friday Week Flyer Sneak Peek

  • Extra lean ground beef 450g $3
  • Ragu pasta sauce $1
  • Aunt Jemima’s pancake mix or syrup $2
  • Nestle ice cream and novelties $2

Food Basics Ontario Black Friday Week Flyer Sneak Peek

  • Selection butter $2.88
  • 10kg flour $8.77
  • Tasters Choice coffee $3.33
  • Simply Orange or Irresitibles Orange Juice $2.97

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