Pay with your Visa card and save $1.50 on each regular-priced Adult Value Meal purchased (excluding taxes) when you present the coupon at participating Burger King Restaurants of Canada.
Coupon Expires March 11, 2009
Click here to print your Burger King Canada Discount Coupon
No don’t get me wrong…
Since we’re on the subject of Burger King, some of you might have heard of Burger King’s marketing campaign entitled “Burger King Whopper Virgins” which has been going on for over a month now. A crew goes to isolated places on earth with people who have never tried or even heard of burgers. They offer them a Whopper and a Big Mac to find out which one they like more. Since it’s a BK Campaign, guess which sandwich wins? 😛
You can watch a video of the Burger King Virgins campaign here
But that’s not the interesting part! What’s hilarious is that people on social networks like twitter and facebook are impersonating and making fun of the campaign and we get to witness the hilarity:
- Lost my virginity to a whopper. Feeling like a slut.
- Got a sesame seed stuck in oddest place.
- I thanks the Burger Gods everyday for my Whopper Jr. Bless his heart.
- Got some Ketchup seepage. Wondering if I need a doctor.
- Just got back from a meeting with THE Burger King of my hamlet. Proclaiming this day Whopper Wednesday.
- Riding high on pickles right now.
- Coming to terms with my whopper deflowering.
- Weird. I ate a whopper 6 hours ago, but I’m still tasting it
- Having a bit of whopper remorse. Easy going in. Not so easy going out.
Click here to read the Los Angeles Times article
Thanks Arch_Dandy for posting this deal in the Canadian Shopping Deals and Flyers section. Here’s what Arch had to say:
Between February 7 and February 20, 2009 if you spend $15 or more before taxes at the Bulk Barn you get a $5 GC! This is a great store to stock up on baking goods, or even candies (valentines day is coming up
Speaking of Bulk Barn, I came across the above picture by velouria on flickr and it explains my exact thoughts towards Bulk Barn. How on earth do people identify the powders without any labels? When my parents shopped at Bulk Barn they’d have like 30 bags of similarly looking powders and my Mom could identify them easily without any labels
Thanks TrixyRox for posting this Dior freebie in the Canadian Freebies & Samples section 😀
Get a free sample of DiorSkin Nude Fluid Foundation & Loose Powder. Click On foundation bottle once done loaded. Choose Canada from the drop down menu.
Click here to order your free DiorSkin Nude Fluid Foundation & Loose Powder
Thanks elh for posting about this WonderBread promo in the Canadian Shopping Deals and Flyers section.
Get a free Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Mascot when you purchase 5 Wonder+ products. Although I think this is a cute promo the $7.00 shipping and handling fee is ridiculous.
Offer valid in Canada, excluding Quebec, only from January 26 through March 1, 2009, while supplies last. To participate, mail a completed redemption form, available at, plus original UPC (barcode) for five (5) of your choice of Wonder+ products and $7.00 CDN S&H to:
“Wonder+ Vancouver 2010 mascot Offer†(Box 415, Dept. WM09 Pickering ON L1V 2R6).
All Offer order envelopes must be postmarked between January 26 and March 19, 2009 (Offer End Date) and received at the above address by March 25, 2009. Not valid in conjunction with any other product offers. One submission per envelope.
Click here for more details on this Wonder+ Canada Free Promo
Click here to print the redemption form currently has an awesome gift with purchase when you purchase only $34 dollars or more of Lancome products!
This offer runs from January 24th- February 16th while quantities last.
A sweet selection for a gift with purchase, and you have the option to choose between two lotions. I’ve been waiting for a nice GWP to be offered and love this one so I thought i’d share.
Click here to go to
Source: bhell13 via Delicious
Receive a Free Yoga Mat with 4 proofs of purchase of Astro Zer0 Yogourt (any size except 175g cup).
Print your name, complete mailing address and daytime phone number on a plain piece of paper and mail it with 4 Proofs of Purchase (cash register receipts) of any Astro ZerO Yogourt 650g Family Tub or 12x100g or 16x100g multipack, to:
Astro ZerO Free Yoga Mat
P.O. Box 157, Station B
Toronto, ON
M5T 2T3
Mail-in entries must be postmarked by March 27, 2009 and received by April 3, 2009.
Click here for more details on this Astro Yogourt Canada Promo
FeetFirstShoes online currently has 50% discount sale on select items. You can also become a VIP member and get 10%Â off your next purchase. On top of all this use coupon code JAN09FS and get free shipping till the end of January.
Feet First Shoes is simillar to SoftMoc in that it sells high quality shoes brans like Clarks, Hush Puppies, Uggs, Geox, Sketchers, and more.
Click here to shop at FeetFirstShoes Canada
Costco Canada Photocentre currently has a promo on passport photos. You can get 2 passport photos for $3.49 (regular price $5.49). Beware that some Costcos (or all?) don’t take passport photos of Infants anymore due to the complicated photo restrictions.
You can find more info about Canadian passport photos here. I find the list of unacceptable photos hilarious. Smiling is unacceptable 😛
Thanks indy_chic for posting this deal in the forum!
Sport Chek Canada is having a friends and family VIP sale on Wednesday , January 28th and Thursday January 29th, 2009. The sale will get you:
- 25% off ticket price excluding items already marked down
- 10% off ticket price on already reduced items
Click here to print a Friends & Family Invitation from SportChek’s website
Click here for a PDF copy of the SportChek invitaiton

Welcome back to the SmartCanucks Scavenger Hunt — our weekly challenge to our readers to find the lowest price on a specific item! Week 3 had you looking for the best deal on a Black & Decker toaster oven. And while the lowest price from a Canadian retailer ($24.97 in a London-area Wal-Mart) was found by meisagirl, we had a few other noteworthy comments as well — from the $15.00 B&D Kids toaster oven that actually works from wendymac to nkwu’s bad track record with Black & Decker products. Well worth a read for those shopping for small appliances!
This week we’re going to have you dig through some of those grocery flyers that fill up your mailbox every week. You’re target? A 12-pack of Coca-Cola. Lots of stores seem to have deals on pop every week, so let’s see who can find the lowest on 12 cans of ice cold Coke!

Milk for a quarter, apple juice for seventeen cents!
Yes you read correctly! Honest Ed’s in Toronto is have a three day mega sale 1930’s style! Remember when grandpappy  use to say ”back in the day when I wee beansprout  you can buy bread for a quarter!” Now you can live those prices for three days!
The sale runs from this Thursday until Saturday, and is guaranteed to be a madhouse with an expected 15-20 000 people checking out the bargains.
Heres a sample list of items on sale.
White sliced bread – 25 cents
Dozen eggs – 25 cents
Italpasta spaghetti, 900g pkg – 25 cents
1L Sealtest 2% milk – 25 cents
Mac & cheese dinner – 25 cents
200 mL carton apple juice – 17 cents
Assorted bouillon cubes – 25 cents
Aluminum picture frame – 15 cents
Evenflo 4oz glass baby bottle – 10 cents for 4
10 pack pencil set – 10 cents
Ombra bath & body wash (20 mL) – 10 cents
Ladies T-shirts – 10 cents
Men’s briefs – 25 cents
Facecloths – 10 cents
Tapered candles – 10 cents
Salt & pepper set – 25 cents
5×6″ framed oil paintings – 25 cents
Men’s gloves – 25 cents
Men’s suit bags – 10 cents
Porcelain salad plate – 10 cents
Coffee mugs – 25 cents
Nail polish – 12 cents
Light bulbs – 17 cents
Garbage bags – 5 for 25 cents
Click here to check out Honest Ed’s website for directions.
Want to check out the entire article? Click here
Thanks Ginger150 for posting this on the forum!
Looks like someone got jealous of Boston Pizza’s 10 for $10 promo. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays choose from 9 Dishes for $9.99 at East Side Marios. This includes unlimited soup or salad and garlic homeloaf. The nine dishes include:
- Sausage and Pepper Penne (spicy)
- Angel Hair Primavera (vegetarian)
- Spagheti and Meatballs
- Cheese Cappelletti (vegetarian)
- Quarter Rotisserie Chicken
- Vegetarian Pizza (vegetarian)
- Pepperoni Pizza
- New Yorker Pizza
- Build your own pasta with one topping
Here are more details about each dish:
Click here for more details on this East Side Marios Canada Promo
Click here for East Side Marios store locations in Canada
Homesense & Winners Canada are having a one day only Customer Appreciation Day. Take an additional 15% off your entire purchase at Winners and Homesense Canada one day only on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009.
Click here to print your Winners/Homesense Invitation Coupon
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