Pampers Canada: New Bonus Gifts to Grow Code


Pampers has released a 10 point bonus Gifts to Grow code for mother’s day. Expires May 16, 2012.


What do you plan to do with your little ones this weekend? I’m actually throwing a baby shower for a friend, should be real fun.

8 responses to “Pampers Canada: New Bonus Gifts to Grow Code”

  1. Stephanie says:

    Works, thanks!

  2. mattsmom says:

    didn’t work.states it is an invalid code 🙁

  3. nicolem says:

    Worked for me! Thanks!

  4. mattsmom says:

    Working now, Thanks!! 🙂

  5. Sam says:

    did not work, it states the code is invalid

  6. Dinglehopper says:

    If you got an error message it’s likely because when you copied the code it got the bullet point and is cutting off the last number. Erase the bullet and add the 2

  7. Amy says:

    The bullet point removal and adding the 2 made it work for me. Thanks so much for your helpful comment!

  8. dizzyb says:

    Thank you!


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