Many of you collecting Pampers Gifts To Grow rewards rely on the free codes that become available from time to time. However, if you do happen to be purchasing Pampers products and do have a code from those products handy, now is the perfect time to enter it into your account and receive a nice little bonus.
Pampers Canada is currently offering 2x the rewards points for the first code entered into your Gifts To Grow rewards account. This is a one time offer, valid until 01/02/18, which does give you some time to obtain a code if you don’t happen to have any codes at the moment. This is also a good opportunity to share extra codes you may have with your friends so that they can benefit from the 2x the points as well.
Click here to access your Pampers Gifts To Grow rewards account.
i tried it, it didn’t give me 2x the reward points.
i didn’t get the bonus either.