Papa John’s Canada Promo Codes: 50% Off On Large Pizza

papa-johns-canadaPapa John’s has a 50% off deal on large pizzas for on-line orders only with coupon code draft14 at checkout. The deal runs until Sunday, May 11.

There is only one Papa John’s in Toronto on 1629 College Street just west of Landsdowne. There are also locations in Barrie and St. Catharines.

Customer reviews on the pizza has been mixed, with most agreeing that their food is extraodinarily greasy. If greasy is how you like it then do not miss out on their half priced large pizza on-line only at Papa John’s.

One response to “Papa John’s Canada Promo Codes: 50% Off On Large Pizza”

  1. Oingo says:

    Before you say their Pizza is ” greasy” lets look at why some may have commented to that effect. If a pizza is “greasy” it is usually because a high fat meat is on it (pepperoni, sausage, bacon ground beef etc) and the fat cooks out and or they use high quality real cheese like PJ does. If your Pizza looks “fresh” then chances are it is under-cooked which I find is the most common problem that or being burnt as they are trying to rush out orders and take them out too soon and have the oven temp too high as well. I have a few of PJ in the USA over the last 15 years and although not my favorite Pizza as I find the dough thick soft and bread like the flavor of the sauce and ingredient is very good.


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