Payless Shoes Canada: 50% off Coupon from Oprah!! (Oct 29/30)

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Update: This sale has been a huge success so I’m pushing this post to the top incase someone missed it. Check out the bragging section to see what others got from Payless!

The Oprah Winfrey show is giving you 50% off your entire purchase at Payless Shoes! I was skeptical at first if this would be valid in Canada but it is! Oprah had Christian Siriano (winner of Project Runway US) as a guest on Thursday show and they spoke about his various projects, one of which being his line of shoes for Payless…that’s where this deal came from.

Offer valid Thursday, October 29, at 10 a.m. Central Time, through normal store hours on Friday, October 30, for all Payless stores in the United States, Canada, Guam and Saipan, excluding Puerto Rico, Payless Shopko® locations,®,, giftcards and special orders. Styles and product availability vary by store. Designer collections available in limited stores only. One coupon per customer. Not valid on prior purchases. Cannot be combined with other offers. Printed coupon or text message coupon must be presented at time of purchase.

Click here to print off your coupon!

Click here for local PDF copy of the Payless Shoes Canada coupon

Thanks to Lora123 for sharing this great deal with us!

44 responses to “Payless Shoes Canada: 50% off Coupon from Oprah!! (Oct 29/30)”

  1. flowers says:

    oh wow!! thank you!

  2. 23edge says:

    Hate to digress but when is Oprah airing her favorite things episode? Last year was a total drag (budget gifts) so she’s got some making up to do. iPhones for everyone!

  3. Sally says:

    Not a bad deal. I started boycotting payless when I realized their Canadian shoes are anywhere from 20-60% MORE then the USA store. I bought one pair of American Eagle flats in the states for 15.99, they are 37.99 here!

    • Justine says:

      I only buy stuff at payless during the bogo events, and if you get them to look up if they have shoes in another store (if they are out at the one you are at) there is a $2 off coupon on the bottom of the receipt, so I combine the two. 😉

  4. Jennie says:

    Yes I totally agree with Sally WTF with the big difference in prices??

  5. flowers says:

    you guys know that they arent the real american eagle shoes…as in the store and brand AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS

  6. missbobloblaw says:

    Just in time for winter boots!!!! THANK YOU!

  7. Donna says:

    Thanks lora123 for the deal , but Boo sure picked a scary pic. of Oprah , perfect for the Halloween special 😀

  8. hm says:

    ah, nearly every canadian store is 20-60% higher priced than the US. i got a designer dress (new) the states last week for 4 bucks, and a bag full of old navy items at .47c/ea .. their min wage is also like 5 bucks an hour, so things like that are the tradeoff.

  9. itsjustmebub says:

    woo hoo i will be going FOR SURE!! 🙂

  10. Bugga Bugga says:

    (you guys know that they arent the real american eagle shoes…as in the store and brand AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS)

    Well don’t I feel duped.

  11. blah says:

    This is why The Oprah is awesome!

  12. Justine says:

    Donna, I picked that pic!

  13. Andie says:

    Thanks – will have to pop in tomorrow and see if there is anything i ‘need.’

  14. Sally says:

    No HM not this drastic. I do a lot of cross border shopping and Payless is the ONLY one that is so big of a difference.

    It doesnt matter to me if they weren’t the real american eagle as they were cute and fit my huge feet lol!

    • Justine says:

      I have cute moccasins from payless that are “ae brand” too. I got them in brown and tan. I will be passing on this deal cause I don’t have the money, but it is a good one.

  15. Kathy says:

    I don’t usually buy much at Payless since its quality is questionable. However, getting some cheap stuff for even cheaper prices with this coupon makes it worthwile.

    I’m also not too fond of their American Eagle shoe line. The shoes are okay, but the name – tt sounds way too much like AE Outfitters and can be misleading. Not to mention it sounds as if they couldn’t think of anything else and decided to rip something off of a accomplished company. Luckily, I saw through this right away.

    • Justine says:

      I think a lot of people think it’s actually american eagle.. the store. I thought it was until I read about it on here, although I wasn’t buying them because I thought they were AE, but cause I thought they were cute.

      And I agree about the questionable quality.

  16. Adam says:

    What a great deal…just got back and picked up 9 pairs of shoes for $137!

    Thanks Oprah & Smart Canucks 😀

  17. I just noticed the price differences the boots I want are 75.99 here but are 37.99 in the states wtf????

  18. S J says:

    just got three pairs . I dont like thier collection much ……………. wasnt allowed to use SPC or any other kind of discount with this.

  19. Merveille says:

    Thank you !

    I bought two pairs of shoes : one for my daughter and one for me, plus a scarf for $ 45.14
    Great deal.
    merci beaucoup
    de Laval, Québec

  20. Lisa says:

    Thanks! Just bought a pair of boots! Reg. $75, sale for $57, then half price!

  21. flowers says:

    the airwalks are really airwalks..but airwalk was bought out by payless in 2007 and since a decade or so they have gone…a bit more mainstream and produce shoes that are of inferior quality than the original airwalks. they used to be a exclusive shoe company..a leader in the skateboard and sports alike footwear industry..they have really gone downhill

  22. ownedbytoby says:

    I got a pair of shoes for my baby (size 2 and so cute) for $10! Thanks for posting!

  23. linny says:

    Awesome find lora123! Got like 5 pairs of shoes for the entire family!! Gonna go back and find some gifts now 🙂

  24. Purdee says:

    what? they’re not real AE shoes?

  25. Lisa says:

    Who cares if the quality is questionable??? So buy two or three pairs of cheap shoes instead of one pair at The Bay or somewhere like that. IT’S 50% OFF – just enjoy it people!!! I don’t know why anyone has to be so picky. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, DON’T USE IT.

  26. faraz says:

    can we used spc card with this offer ?

    • Justine says:

      faraz – people have reported that they weren’t able.

      As for the airwalk comments, I remember when airwalks (the real skate shoes) were the shiznat back in the 90s.

  27. kitty says:

    greatly ,nice ,gg boots these boots are comfortable, too, fitting as snugly as a second skin. and because they are comfortable, people are wearing them everywhere with everything,lower price ,accept paypal.

  28. Donna says:

    hey Justine, perfect pic. pick :D, the bags under her eyes are scaaaary ….

  29. Cynthia says:

    We just ran out and picked up a pair of black dress shoes for my son…..10 dollars. He only needs to wear them about 10-12 times in their lifetime, so it doesn’t matter if they are wonderful quality.

  30. Carizza says:

    Hello there…this sounds like a great savings for us bargainers… question….

    If you haven’t a printer…. do they really only take customers with the printed coupon off this site…Help??

    Or is the sale throughout the store and just 50% all, no coupon required to be brought in,I am in Canada and just wondering how this works. Thank You. (O:

  31. Boo Radley says:

    I think you’ll need the coupon… you might get lucky and be allowed to get the discount without the coupon but I wouldn’t depend on that.

  32. Carizza says:

    hmm I wonder how I am going to get around that. Anyone here in BC? Specifically the lower mainland? I may have hubby print it out and wait till he gets home from work…They’ll be open I hope till at least 6pm??

  33. itsjustmebub says:

    went today it was crazy in there!! Lol

  34. janszi says:

    Just went during lunch. It was crazy busy!! If you don’t see your size for a certain style, ask a sales associate and they can get it for you from the back room or their rop shelf. Don’t miss this great deal! I also bought heel grips, shoe polish and tights! I asked if I could apply my SPC and they said no. The lady in front of me asked if she could get her Oprha coupon back and the cashier said no and that it’s a one time use and she can’t go to another store to get the discount. YEAH RIGHT, ha – I would just go home and print another coupon and hit up the next Payless. Today was fun!

  35. iluvsaving says:

    woohoo I just got 15 pairs for $124 with tax. i just came home to print another coupon and head off to a different payless

  36. Justine says:

    This deal ends today!!!!!! So be sure to get into the store before closing hours tonight to pick up some deals.

  37. FunkyMunky says:

    15 pairs?! hollllly lol 🙂

    gah, I already shopped in Winners today, if I go to payless, I’ll be poor till my next paycheck 🙁

  38. Jenn says:

    I got a pair of ankle books, a pair of flats, and a sale pair of dressy sandals AND a purse = all for under $70! Thank you!

  39. Momo says:

    I got a purse, and pair of shoes, and a change purse for $45.00! Thanks Oprah!


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