Peek Freans Canada: Free Canada Coupons July 11th Buy One Get One Free Via Facebook


Bookmark this entry!  July 11th 2011 you can click here (Facebook) and order youself a BOGO coupon valid for Peek Freans Lifestyles cookies.  Yay free cookies! Whats your favourite cookie?

Thanks kk7 for posting this great offer on our Smart Canucks Fan page via Facebook.


25 responses to “Peek Freans Canada: Free Canada Coupons July 11th Buy One Get One Free Via Facebook”

  1. wendyjane says:

    yum can’t wait

  2. mia says:

    Awesome!!! I will remember that one!!!

  3. Coupon Junkie says:

    Wow, can’t wait, my favorite is the Blueberry Brown Sugar..

  4. marry0 says:

    can’t wait

  5. carlyincanada says:

    Awesome! thanks!! Please bump the thread so we don’t forget!! lol

  6. Theresa says:

    These are my favorite… can’t wait!!!

  7. TallNFunny says:

    Banana Chocolate ALL THE WAY! Nothing like them! Thanks for posting and please bump as I’ll forget!

  8. ferdo says:

    Wow! A chance to win a buy 1 get 1 free coupon. Thats geting a little tight.

  9. tnmo says:

    Blueberry Brown Sugar!!!!Bump please!

  10. EthansBaba says:

    Thankyou! yummy!

  11. anything says:

    What time do they start?

  12. tammy8701 says:


  13. Theresa says:

    Its up now…

  14. caroman says:

    got it thanks!

  15. Diane456 says:

    my mom got a confitmation when she clicked submit but I just got the fill in page blank, anyone else having this problem? Not sure if they will send it or not.

  16. annak says:

    After u clicked submit, there’s another page that said u will receive in mail about certain time frame. So I think this is the confirmation.

  17. FatB says:

    Got it. Thanks!

  18. kekes says:

    Got it ! Thanks !!!!

  19. JadeSpade says:

    For some reason, that link doesn’t take me to the Peak Freans page. It just takes me to my facebook log in page and then the News feeds page. Does anyone have the link to their page?

  20. Corbinx says:

    Thank you! I hear these are amazing cookies but I have never bought them, mostly because they are fairly expensive. I don’t know which ones to try, there are so many that look delicious!

  21. Sylvia says:

    JadeSpade, try logging into your facebook account and then open the link in a new tab. Or click on “keep me logged in” when you sign into facebook, then go to the Peek Freans link. Or search “Peek Freans” in facebook and you should find their page.

  22. JadeSpade says:

    OMG, I was searching Peak Freans instead of Peek Freans. No wonder I couldn’t find their page!

    But it was still strange that I couldn’t get to the page. I did try your suggest, Sylvia of logging in and opening in new tab. Just took me to my news feed page.

  23. Megan says:

    Yay! My dad will LOVE this! Haha

  24. misbah nisa says:

    i open the web n click @ the “u can click here”than i saw Peek Freans page n i click “offers”,its open a form n fill it n send it.they said i will receive em 4-8 week i think.dont have idea like this i will get them or no.hope it comes.because my form submit smothly.
    any 1 have idea or exp abt the same.

  25. Michnty says:

    It appears that the offer has now ended…. 🙁


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