P&G Canada Try Before You Buy Sampler Now Live *FREE Samples*

The P&G Canada Holiday Try Before You Buy Sampler is now live.

I was given one question (which paper towel I use) and was offered all 6 samplers when I chose other.

Sign up for these samples here.

EDIT: The site is very slow with people ordering, so just leave the pages to load while you do other things and come back to them.

35 responses to “P&G Canada Try Before You Buy Sampler Now Live *FREE Samples*”

  1. harbie says:

    anyone else having problems signing up??? I fill everything out and hit submit and it just goes back to the top of the form that I have filled out.

  2. Grace says:

    I signed up for a new account and it worked fine for me! Took a bit longer than usual, but after that, got my confirmation about all 6 samples being sent!

  3. Natalie says:

    For some reason, after I registered and answered a few questions, it says that I am not eligible because I already requested samples in another offer period. Basically, if you have already signed up with Brandsampler, then you are not eligible for this offer. Anyone else get this message?

  4. Leanne says:

    just tried and it said all samples requested

  5. Amanda says:

    The site is malfunctioning as usual. It won’t let existing members log in :S I tried creating a new account, it glitched and didn’t automatically log me in so now I can’t log into the new account either and I am out of email addresses I can use.

  6. bekki3 says:

    Thanks for posting!

  7. Michelle DM says:

    Thanks for posting. Logged in and got all 6 samples!

  8. saver says:

    registered and got the 6 samples….took a while. Thank you. It didn’t work with my usual PnG logins.

  9. Louise says:

    Just got 5 samples. (used other for question). all but the Gain, I think.
    Thanks for posting the offer.

  10. Natalka says:

    What a nice surprize! Used my regular P&G login info and went through okay just a little bit of a wait per page. THANKS!

  11. torontogal12 says:

    Wow what a generous company. Isn’t this the second or third set of these in the last few months?

  12. Rani says:

    Wow ! I love freebies . I had no problems signing up … went really smooth… Just a slight longer time than usual browsing ….Thanks 🙂

  13. Dm says:

    Worked just fine got all the samples so did other family members worked fine for us .

  14. teresa says:

    got 5 samples – no gain

  15. roseofblack25 says:

    Got 5 as well…

  16. dee says:

    I think gain is all gone…just the 5 fo me too

  17. moom says:

    I didn’t get Gain either – 5 samples here!

  18. Liz says:

    5 samples as well – thanks for the heads up!

  19. Grace says:

    5 for me too. No Gain.

    I also had to log in with an entirely new account. I couldn’t get my password to reset.

  20. mydoglugnut says:

    Tried logging in, no dice. Tried creating new account, no dice. Message that I received:

    We’re Sorry.
    We’re currently undergoing maintenance
    and your request cannot be processed at the moment.
    Please try again shortly.

    Been trying for an hour now. 7:45 pm. 🙁

  21. Linda says:

    Didnt work for me it says This offer was only available for a limited time!

  22. 2jk19 says:

    I got mine!! 🙂 Seems to be SO many of these sample boxes lately!! Loving it! I got all samples, except for the Gain. YAY! Didn’t have any problems by the way!

  23. harbie says:

    I tried first thing in the AM and it wouldn’t allow me to sign up and now they are gone :*(

  24. Teresa says:

    it’s already over. so quick!!

  25. sheila says:

    just tried to access the site – 5:10 AM EST. got a message saying all samples are gone 🙁

  26. SMT says:

    All gone again. Frustratiing

  27. idubyan says:

    This offer was only available for a limited time!

    Thank You For Your Interest.
    Due to overwhelming support of this program, all the online samples have been requested.

  28. sue says:

    Beginning to think you can only get samples for anything between midnight and 1 am – when I’m long in bed.

  29. Amanda says:

    awesome, thanks! I did this last night and got 5 samples

  30. Mary says:

    Site wouldn’t work, now samples all gone!!

  31. love these free samples, most of the time you get free coupons as well!

  32. Lisa says:

    I find this extremely frustrating no samples available! what a surprise.

  33. Debbie says:

    The form wont submit. How come?


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