If you haven’t yet ordered this great freebie from P&G Everday, make sure to get in on it while you can. P&G often puts together BrandSampler packages containing samples that allow you to try some of their top products for free. They are currently mailing out spring BrandSamplers, and this time around they are allowing you to choose between a household and a beauty package.
To get your freebie, visit P&G Everyday, and sign in to your existing account. If you don’t have an account you can register for one now by filling in your information. Once signed in or registered you will see if you qualify for this free sample mailing, and you will be asked to choose between the household package, and the beauty package.
The household package will likely contain items such as the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, which you can never have enough of, and the beauty samplers tend to include items like Pantene and Cover Girl cosmetics.
Click here to visit P&G Everyday and brag your Spring BrandSampler.