P&G Everyday Canada: Try the New brandPACK, Just Pay Shipping & Taxes Starting at $4.99


P&G Everyday Canada has released a new brandPack, which has replaced its brandSAMPLER. To try the products from P&G Everyday, you will have to select from one of the bundle options below, and pay a shipping & tax fee. This is quite a big change considering P&G’s previous sample boxes have been free.

  • BUNDLE A: $4.99 which includes Pampers Swaddlers (20 pk), Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule)
  • BUNDLE B: $5.49 which includes Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule), Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (1 pad), Swiffer Duster (1 duster)
  • BUNDLE C: $5.49 which includes Secret Clinical (14g), Cascade Platinum (2 pk/34g), Gain Flings (1 capsule), Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (1 pad), Swiffer Duster (1 duster)
  • BUNDLE D: $5.99 which includes Pampers Swaddlers (20 pk), Secret Clinical (14g), Cascade Platinum (2 pk/34g), Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule)
  • BUNDLE E: $6.99 which includes Pampers Swaddlers (20pk) Cascade Platinum (2pk/34g) Downy Unstoppables (1load) Tide PODS (1capsule) Mr Clean Magic Eraser (1pad) Swiffer Duster (1 duster)

Click here to read about the P&G Everyday Canada brandPACK.

4 responses to “P&G Everyday Canada: Try the New brandPACK, Just Pay Shipping & Taxes Starting at $4.99”

  1. sjpspam says:

    Blegh. Not even close to being worth the asking price. I predict marginal uptake on this new model.

    If there are any P&G employees dedicated to this team, I’d start updating your resume and your LinkedIn profile now.

  2. sesterce says:

    We used to get some of these for free. 🙁

  3. Maggie says:

    That’s too bad! Won’t be ordering.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Saw the shipping costs and instantly decided NOT FOR ME.


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