P&G Good Everyday Canada: Get A Free Sample of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

From time to time P&G Good Everyday Canada offers free samples of some of their products, and for a limited time you can claim a free sample of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Click the link below where you can sign in to your P&G Good Everyday account and claim your sample, or you can go ahead and register if you do not have an account.

You will receive a 1 count sample of the Mr. Clean Extra Durable Magic Eraser by mail, and there is a limit of one sample per member/household. If you are just signing up at P&G Good Everyday, be sure to complete all of the available activities as well. You will receive points for completing surveys and other tasks, and these points an be redeemed for various gift cards.

Click here to claim your free sample of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. 

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