Pinecone Canada Invitations Available!

Here’s the link to the new 2009 invitations:

Update: Pinecone is still accepting new registrations. I’ve emailed out an invitation to everyone that has contacted me so far. If you haven’t heard from me please email me again.

Email me at smartcanucks [[[[[[att]]]]] gmail com and I’ll send you an invitation


Members in this thread of the forum are giving out invitations

They will probably run out soon. I strongly recommend Pinecone since they actually pay very well.

Pinecone Canada

Now’s the time to join pinecone research. Once they stop accepting new members it will likely be a few years before they re-accept new registrations. Pinecone is a consumer research company that pays you $5 per survey and sends out lots of full size products to test. They have been known for their prompt payments. I strongly encourage everyone to sign up (you have nothing to lose).

Click here to ask members for an invitation


Email me at smartcanucks [[[[[[att]]]]] gmail com and I’ll send you an invitation.

141 responses to “Pinecone Canada Invitations Available!”

  1. Clare says:

    I would like a referral. My e-mail is [email protected]

  2. Maria says:

    Can I have a referral

  3. noseyrosey says:

    I would love a invite Thank you !!!!!! [email protected]

  4. Chris Tollins says:

    Could I have an invitation? Thanks!

  5. mememe says:

    meeee please! lol

  6. Allison says:

    Can I have a referal please?

  7. Kate says:

    referral please?

  8. Boo Radley says:

    Sent to Allison and Kate

  9. Boo Radley says:

    I have to do something now so I won’t be emailing any more invites for an hour.

  10. cherrytreegirl says:

    I would love an invite!

  11. Stefan Neufeld says:

    Could I have an invite please [email protected]

  12. Foxfury says:

    Sounds interesting, could I get one?

  13. cookiemonster says:

    referral please!

  14. Coco says:

    Can I have one too pls ^_^

    [email protected]

  15. Boo Radley says:

    Back and sending out invitations 🙂

  16. FatB says:

    May I please have one? ^^

    [email protected]

  17. VoIPMan says:

    I’ll take an invite please.

  18. omnishield says:

    invitation please =)

    [email protected]

  19. Gail says:

    May I please get an invitation? Thanks!


  20. Ryan says:

    referral please. Thanks

  21. Leo says:

    May I please have one? [email protected]

  22. Deepfryer says:

    I’m new here, not sure what this is but it sounds like i should join may i have one please [email protected]

  23. Bessy says:

    Please sent me one too! Thanks!

  24. Trudy says:

    I would love one!!!!!!

  25. dunebuggy8 says:

    I’m new as well. I would like one too please. Thanks!

  26. sharmily says:

    Hi, can I please get one,too…thanks

  27. mrmcmurray says:

    me too please!!

  28. cecilia says:

    refer me please

  29. jlang6 says:

    Can I please get one too? Thanks! [email protected]

  30. Maurice says:

    Could I have an invite too please. Thanks

  31. Guest says:

    May I please get one? Thanks!

  32. Judy says:

    Would love an invite. [email protected]

  33. Brian Stockford says:

    We’re you able to get one sent off to me.

  34. Jerry Chappell says:

    Yes please and thank you. [email protected]

  35. Boo Radley says:

    I’m still sending out invites guys but I’m overwhelmed by the number of requests so sorry for the delay

  36. saru says:

    would love an invite! thank you.

  37. Canuckfan says:

    Can i please have an invite?
    [email protected]
    thanks 🙂

  38. Boo Radley says:

    Invitations sent to everyone who requested here or emailed me.

    If you haven’t received one let me know and I’ll resend it.

  39. jess says:

    could you please send me an invite? thanks!

  40. Shirl says:

    referral please. have a great day

  41. Marat says:

    please email the invite

  42. rida says:

    can i get a referral please

  43. tiffany says:

    Hi, could you sent me an invite? thanks!

  44. jim says:

    Me, too.
    I would like an invite.
    [email protected]
    Thank you, Boo.

  45. Abigail says:

    Yes! I would love one too!

  46. Abigail says:

    Oh right, can you see my email? [email protected]. Thanks!

  47. Lee says:

    hey boo. me too pls. thx.

  48. Fpolacco says:

    Thanks – I received mine and already signed on. Thanks once again

  49. Boo Radley says:

    You’re welcome 🙂

    I’m still sending out invites. You don’t need to write your email in the comments section guys since I am admin and can see the email field..

  50. Bryan says:

    hey, could i get one as well?

  51. Lisa says:

    That’s awesome! Could I have a referral too please? Thank-you!!!

  52. morganpower says:

    Could I please get a referral… i’ve been interested in trying out one of these research companies.

  53. I’d like one too!!! Thanks! 🙂

  54. E.Doorenspleet says:

    Could I get a referral too? Thanks alot!

  55. J says:

    Hi, May I please have an invite. Thx Thx.

  56. Donna says:

    Would love an invite as well, greatly appreciated. Thanks

  57. CathyM says:

    Would love an invite too.


  58. Yan says:

    May I have one? Thanks!

  59. thuy says:

    referral/invitation please to [email protected]

  60. Nick says:

    I’d like a referral too. Thanks

  61. Winn says:

    I’d love a referral as well, Boo. Could you send me one please. Thanks in advance!

  62. Satori says:

    May I get a referral?
    Thank you!

  63. Joey says:

    I’d really appreciate an invite.

    Thanks in advance

  64. kquadri says:

    can i have an invite pls…

  65. Boo Radley says:

    Invitations sent

  66. viksat says:

    I need a referral too please. thanks

  67. Hi Boo, could you please send me an invite/referral?? Many thanks!

  68. Could I have an invitation too, please?

    Thank you so much!

  69. Dawn says:

    Could I please have a referral too? Thanks!

  70. Kelly says:

    Me too please! 😀

  71. Liz says:

    Can I have an invite too?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  72. Dave says:

    Can I have an invite? My email is dave{NO SPAM}

    Thank you!

  73. David says:

    Referral please:


  74. LazyInvestor says:

    Can I have an invitation as well?

  75. Sarah says:

    Could I get one please, thanks
    [email protected]

  76. sandy says:

    Can I have an invitation as well?
    [email protected]

    many thanks !

  77. sarabjit says:

    Hello Boo,

    Could I kindly have an invitation as well – I really appreciate it kindly – thanks in advance –

    [email protected]

    many thank you’s!!!!

  78. Dave says:

    I would like an invitation
    [email protected]

  79. filza says:

    Hi Boo,
    It s me filza,i was wondering if i can have an invition from you?????
    thanks in advance.

  80. yul says:


    Please send me an invitation!



  81. tippy says:

    referral, me too please

  82. Boo Radley says:

    Invitations sent to everyone that has emailed me or left a comment here so far.

  83. honeybee says:

    could i please get a refferal too please? thanks in advance:)

  84. honeybee says:

    opps! email is cutie4lyf(at)

  85. Devon says:

    Could I also get a referral? Thanks!

  86. Leanna says:

    Could I please get a referral too?! Thanks!!

    [email protected]


  87. Alan says:

    Let me jump aboard…thanx

  88. amycanada77 says:

    I would love an invite Boo!

  89. Rhea says:

    can i please get a referral too. thanks!

  90. Valerie says:

    I’d ;like to give this a try too. Please send me a referral. Thanks for your time!

  91. Helen says:

    can I please get a referral? Thanks.

  92. reena says:

    can i please get a referral? Thank you!

  93. Boo Radley says:

    sent to everyone so far.

    If you haven’t gotten one yet please re-email me.

  94. Rick says:

    If you have any invites left id like to have one

  95. Jimmy says:

    Could I have an invite please [email protected]

  96. Kelly says:

    Me too please 🙂

    Thanks Boo

  97. Denise says:

    I would like an invite if any left.

    thank you!

  98. zsgirl says:

    is it too late? thank you anyway!

  99. Marc says:

    I’d like to throw my name into that hat

  100. Nicole says:

    I would like a referral please if possible … [email protected]

  101. Devon says:

    Thanks Boo!

  102. tattoodprincess says:

    I got my referral and filled out all my info, and still havent received any confirmation email from them like I was supposed to and its been over a week. Is that normal? I sent them an email asking if there was a problem with my application and I’m waiting on a reply.

  103. Fpolacco says:

    Recd my referrel – thank you. I also recd my email confirmation from Pinecone. Thanks once again.

  104. Alisa says:

    I would like a referral!

  105. Boo Radley says:

    Sent to everyone so far.

    tattoodprincess, they don’t accept everyone. Unfortunetely one of their main criteria is age. There’s a larger chance of getting accepted if your age is in the range of 18 – 24.

    If you haven’t heard from them, what you could do is fill another application but have it set at a relative’s name and address. Once you get accepted have them pay you through PayPal 😉

  106. sklm says:

    Received the invitation – thank you!

  107. Nicole says:

    Thank you 🙂

  108. tattoodprincess says:

    thats a god idea Boo!! I cant see why they wouldnt accept me though, I’m only 22 so I’m in the age range. COuld it have anything to do with my job? I work in retail so could that count against me?

  109. Boo Radley says:

    Yes that’s why you got rejected. They are very paranoid about having the new product concepts that they ask in surveys getting leaked to competing companies.

  110. psyche says:

    Got my invitation and filled out the form! Now I’m just waiting for my official “okay” 🙂

    Thanks Boo

  111. CathyJ says:

    Can I have an invite please?

  112. Joel says:

    got accepted

  113. amycanada77 says:

    I filled out the form … but approx how long is everyone waiting before they get the final acceptance?

  114. Boo Radley says:

    Congrats Joel and thanks for your wonderful email 🙂

    Usually about 5 days. If you don’t hear from them after 5 days then you m most likely got rejected. Try again using your relative’s address or something.

  115. amycanada77 says:

    Oh I’m just impatient then… it’s been a day 🙂

  116. tessabelle says:

    Can I have an invite please

  117. robert says:

    i would appreciate a referral as well… dustbunny (at) gmx dot come

  118. amycanada77 says:

    Got my acceptance email today 🙂 Took four days to ‘approve me’ just in case anyone is waiting to hear back.

    Thanks Boo!

  119. FatB says:

    Yep, I got accepted as well today, so ppl should start expecting a response soon.

    Thanks Boo for all your help, muchy appreciated!

  120. Joey says:

    I’m interested! My email is joja07 at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

  121. Donna says:

    I would love an invitation as well.

  122. babymama says:

    can i get one too please. thanks

  123. Wooly Woman says:

    Would love a referral if still valid: [email protected] Thanks!

  124. .. says:

    invite me please, [email protected]

  125. Jack says:

    Can I get an invite please

    lovelydeal.s at

  126. Amanda says:

    I would love an invitation if you don’t mind.
    Thanks in advance! 🙂

  127. Amy says:

    Hey, would like an invite, if possible 🙂 although Someone already refused me cuz I have only 13 posts (mind you i’ve only been a member for maybe 2 weeks 😉

  128. Rachel says:

    could I get one too? even though I am really sure you are getting tired of reading that

  129. Joyce Janush says:

    could I please have a referral

  130. Nicki A says:

    Would love an invite if any are available!

  131. Janna says:

    Could I have an invite if they are still available, please.

  132. Catherine L says:

    I’d love a referral please! E-mail [email protected]

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  135. kalawati says:

    would love an invitation [email protected]


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