Pizza Hut Canada Deals: Buy Any Large or Medium Pizza and Receive the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Medium Pizza For $5 Each!


Just in time for lunch hour, Pizza Hut Canada is bringing back their 5 bucks, 5 bucks, 5 bucks deal where you can buy any large or medium pan pizza at the regular price and receive your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th medium pizza after that for just $5! Within Quebec, your first pizza will have to be large pan pizza at regular price but everywhere else you’ll have the choice of making it a medium regular priced pizza!


This deal will only be on for a limited time, and can be used as many times as you like. A medium sized pepperoni pizza will cost you about $13, so if you were to get three more medium pizzas after the initial one, you would only have to pay $28 for four medium pizzas; an order that would normally cost you $52!

Click here to place your order with Pizza Hut Canada online.

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