Pizza Hut Promo Codes: Buy One Pizza & Get One Pizza for FREE!

pizza-hut-canadaPizza Hut Canada has a HOT coupon code! This Pizza Hut Canada offer includes:

  • Buy one Pizza and get one Pizza for FREE! 

Enter the promo code 850 and buy any one medium or large pizza from Pizza Hut Canada and get another one pizza for FREE! This offer is valid online for a lim­ited time only.

Click here to get this pizza offer online at Pizza Hut NOW! Bon Appétit icon smile Pizza Hut Canada Freebie Coupon Codes: Buy One Pizza and Get One Pizza for FREE!

8 responses to “Pizza Hut Promo Codes: Buy One Pizza & Get One Pizza for FREE!”

  1. ck says:

    not valid

  2. V says:

    worked for me. Thanks!

  3. CH says:

    not working for me too

  4. Nicole says:

    Worked for me for 2 of their own recipe large pizzas. I’m not sure if this is normal but it discounted it even further ($5.95) when I changed the crust type to hand tossed and 1 of the sauces. I think it might have been a glitch on their website. $17 + tax/delivery/tip is pretty good!

  5. Natalka says:

    Not here

  6. Brandee says:

    I just tried it and it worked. I live in the GTA in Ontario. I added two pizzas to my cart. Applied coupon code. Took second pizza cost off.

  7. Minnie says:

    It worked for me. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Dee says:

    Awesome! Worked and we had pizza for dinner. The code does not work in all location.


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