Please Mum: All Fall & Winter Clearance $4.99 or Less *In Store Only*


If you have a Please Mum store near you, check out their fall & winter clearance sale for $4.99 or less. Great time to buy bigger sizes for next season for a fraction of the price. The one nearest me is not even in the same city, too bad I’ll have to miss out on this. If you want to shop online the coupon code SAVESYOU15 is still valid for 15% off your purchase of $60 or more.

4 responses to “Please Mum: All Fall & Winter Clearance $4.99 or Less *In Store Only*”

  1. Nancy says:

    Does anyone know if this includes outerwear? I have checked many times, and even just yesterday, and they just don’t seem to be reducing the things I have been looking at below 50%. 😕

  2. Nancy says:

    Never mind, the small print says it excludes outerwear.

  3. Cleo_47 says:

    Nancy, you should check out Children’s Place! Yesterday they had crazy clearance sales! And yes it includes outerwear. They had snowpants for $9.99, coats for $9.99 and boots for %5.99! I assume it is all stores and not just mine. Check it out!

  4. like a g6 says:

    thanx cleo fo the info, my sons boots r leaking!


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