Please Mum Canada Final Clearance Buy One Get One for $1

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Now there isn’t a whole lot of selection for this sale but there are some good deals.  Please Mum has their Fall/Winter Collection on final clearance and you can buy one item and get a second for only $1.  There are some little boys winter coats on sale for $14, so 2 winter coats for $15 is pretty great.  This is actually a good sale to check out with a friend.  If you want to check out the Spring/Summer Clearance section, it is on sale as a buy one get one for $3.99.  The discounts are taken automatically when the items are added to your cart.   Also, shipping is free on orders of $50 or more.

Click here to shop at Please Mum.

7 responses to “Please Mum Canada Final Clearance Buy One Get One for $1”

  1. Minou says:

    Thanks for posting! Bought two jackets. Shipping is only $5 if you don’t spend $50 to get the free shipping.

  2. Kyli says:

    Doesn’t work for me.

  3. sfaraz says:

    i coul’dnt found any clearence

  4. Anna says:

    wow some of their prices are outrageous! $24.99 for leggings?

  5. Minou says:

    It does the discount when you check out.

  6. Melody113 says:

    Thanks so much got so many things at such a great price

  7. Meghan R says:

    I got a bunch of accessories. A couple hats for the kids (.99ea), 2 shrugs(4.99 + 1.00), and a couple pairs of socks. $20! AND, I got my shipping notice 4 hours after placing my order. Awesome.


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