Starting February 1st, bring in your gently used children’s clothing to a Please Mum store and receive GREEN BACKS in return. Green Backs are like $ off coupons to be used towards any in store purchase.
Click here to find out more details about the trade in program
This isn’t an opportunity to make tons of $ like you might if you sold the clothing yourself or consigned it. That being said, if you shop at Please Mum and have a large pile of clothing that is too small for your kiddos just sitting in the corner (like me) it might be a great time to trade it in and save a few bucks.
Thanks couponlady
Thats awesome! Too bad there isn’t one around here.
Don’t forget this part… I loved this until I read this part, lol. of course it can still be a really good deal… may have to plan a bit more than intitailly thought. 🙂
“Can be redeemed immediately or within the 30 days after issue. Can be used towards the purchase of any product in-stores with the exception of gift cards. Total amount redeemed cannot exceed 50% of entire transaction (after tax)…”
I think this is such a good idea, worth more then donating, and a place to put your clothes that consignment won’t take. Not that I will stop donating, but I am a huge clothes horder when it come to my son, I have atleast 6 boxes of 12-24 months that I am sure my sisters arent going to use all of them, might as well get some new clothes out of the deal.
check out the details….
Quick Currency Converter
1 Green Back = 50¢ CDN Cash Value
2 Green Backs = $1 CDN Cash Value
5 Green Backs = $250 CDN Cash Value
Can I hold them to their mistake??? 5 green backs =$250 CDN???
good eye!
does anyone know what they do with the stuff? donate it or sell it to stores (i.e. ValueVillage) themselves?
I was curious because I couldn’t find where it says.
Would be nice if they donate to needy families or other countries with need – but if they are selling it, I’d rather just donate.
Thanks for the tip though – would be good to try and find out.
Another site I found said it is a donation program (I didn’t realize this is just starting – and likely temporary…), in that case, it is a really nice thing to do with a little perk for all involved.
you get better money doing this than the cheap people on kijiji! LOL
The last time I participated in this program they would only accept PLEASE MUM
used clothing and not just any brand of clothing
@ Cleo_47:
“””Please Mum will be accepting gently worn children’s tops, bottoms, and jackets (not required to be Please Mum apparel).”””
so it can even be like a wal mart brand?lol. Those are the only brands i like to get rid of really.
I like the fact that it’s not only please mum clothing. Last time they did it, they wouldn’t give credit for swimsuits and a few other things but they’d take them to donate anyways.
How much do they give you per item? I am wondering if it is better to “sell” to them or just Kijiji them…
It is being donated to Africa. I spoke with a sales person at Please Mum today and that is what she told me.
Sara, putting them on Kijiji will get you more. 50 cents for a shirt? That’s not much.
I took in two boxes of all brands of used clothing yesterday and received $122 in green backs! I will spread the wealth among family and friends as I will not purchase that much clothing in 30 days. I tried used clothing stores, community sale and kijiji first! This is so much easier!