Porter Airlines – 50% off Feb 14 Only!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


This Valentines Day, Porter Airlines is having a one day sale.  50% off base fare with Promo code AMOUR.

Also, Porter now displays one price advertising (Base + fees/taxes), so the price you see, will be the price you pay.

Note:  Book with promo code by 11:59 p.m. on February 14, 2012. Travel by April 30, 2012.
Promo discount applies to base fare only and not to fees and taxes. A return trip is not required to qualify. New bookings only

Click here to book your flight now!

3 responses to “Porter Airlines – 50% off Feb 14 Only!”

  1. Catherine says:

    I’m excited about this! I might be going to New York in April, just waiting for someone to get me some final details about the dates, but it looks like I might have them before the end of the day! Also, so glad they’re showing the prices all-inclusive now!

  2. happy_me24 says:

    Porter is amazing!!! Too bad they don’t fly to Florida because I’m driving there tomorrow night and flying would have been soooo much better (but way more expensive if they are not on sale…)

  3. kathy says:

    I checked for nyc tickets may long weekend, but seemed expensive..
    however boston for long weekend was very good.


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