Porter Airlines Canada: Surprise Birthday Sale Save 50% *Discount Promo Coupon Code*


Porter is having a surprise birthday sale!

Save 50% off all flights
Book by November 4th
Use promo code GOOD50

Click here to book with Porter

Let me know what deals you score!

9 responses to “Porter Airlines Canada: Surprise Birthday Sale Save 50% *Discount Promo Coupon Code*”

  1. Stephania says:

    Ack, Sally! You beat me this time… 😉

  2. joline says:

    Link doesn’t work 🙁

  3. Dayanara says:

    Oh wow, this is great. My hubby is from Chicago and we are going down for US Thanksgiving, but I know he really had his heart set on going down for Xmas as well, if even for a few days. This sale gives us the option to at least just send him down for a quick visit and won’t kill our budget. Sending him an e-mail now to see if I should book! Thanks Sally!

  4. sk8899 says:

    all they did was increase their prices…a flight normally going for 129 is now 199 and then the 50% off…uggg

  5. jeffrey K says:

    Thanks for the great post. Just booked a flight to NJ r/t for 2, for only $520 tax in. Thumbs up.

  6. Fleetingleaf says:

    darn…no firm pricing for the return date…

  7. Laurie says:

    Thanks for the great discount code… where do you find these? I am signed up for Porter emails and I never receive these great sale codes. Much appreciated!

  8. Cabmonk says:

    Porter will start service to Timmins Jan 16th. They had a lowest starting fare of $109 each way. Then a couple weeks after announcing they were flying here they have this deal. So each way for this promo is $54.50 plus taxes and fee’s so I went ahead and booked for Feb 17th. 🙂

  9. Detra Strauss says:

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