Porter Airlines: Save $100 on Round-Trip Flight

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Save $100 on any round-trip flight through Porter Airlines. Book online (using promo code 100) or through your travel agent by March 26th. Travel must be done by June 24th, 2012.

Safe travels!

9 responses to “Porter Airlines: Save $100 on Round-Trip Flight”

  1. Sammers says:

    I don’t understand why flight attendants wear stupid hats and skirts.
    They job is not to be eye candies, and their work certainly don’t require to wear those.
    I bet if they had a choice, they would pick comfortable work shoes and pants.

  2. Medicmommy says:

    Do they really have to stand close enough that their boobs are touching slightly? It’s hard to take them as serious working women when they are willing to pose like that.

  3. Regs says:

    ^ I know, right?


  5. humidex says:

    actually I love their uniforms!!! I take them VERY seriously

  6. Heather says:

    I love their uniforms too, the dresses and pill-box hats are so retro-chic! I can’t see the shoes but I assume they would be high heels, so probably not comfortable… I thought the pose was funny… as long as they don’t have to maneuver down the airplane aisle like that, serving drinks with their boobs touching!!

  7. Zay says:

    ha! I too saw the boobs touching and laughed

  8. L6941 says:

    @Sammers: the hat is an accessory and the uniforms of flight attendants have a part in fashion history. If you travelled more, you would learn how to the uniforms reflect the culture of the countries they are from.

    @Medicmommy: it’s a candid picture, not an official company photo, get over yourself.

    It seems like slim flight attendants cause uproars of sexism. Only in N. America. Time to lose some, my hearties.

  9. 234 says:

    Totally annoyed by the tits touching in this picture. I guess Porter only likes it when men fly their airline because they just made me think twice about flying them- Mad Men era outfits and now the suggestive picture makes me want to go elsewhere.


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