Possible Chocolate Philadelphia Cream Cheese Giveaway Through The Real Women Of Philadelphia


From the Philadelphia Cream Cheese Canada Facebook page:

“Who wants free chocolate? Join our community, Real Women of Philadelphia, soon for exclusive member-only coupons.”

We will keep you posted when further details are available. In the meantime, click here to join the Real Women of Philadelphia community if you are not already a member.

Has anyone tried the Chocolate Philly yet?

9 responses to “Possible Chocolate Philadelphia Cream Cheese Giveaway Through The Real Women Of Philadelphia”

  1. francine says:

    wont load anything for me???

  2. FallenPixels says:

    loads for me, bit slow though

  3. Rachel says:

    The Chocolate Philly is really good! It tastes a lot like the chocolate cream cheese icing we use on cakes. Warning: don’t buy it if you can’t resist eating tasty things by the spoonful!

  4. Eric says:

    Totally agree with Rachel – the stuff is delicious. they were sampling it at the store a couple of weeks ago, and I got one with a $1 off coupon. Excellent on blueberry bagels (not so much on Onion ones).

  5. bradeau says:

    I bought this one at Zehrs a few weeks ago… I really like it. Yum yum.

  6. Rosa says:

    Want to make cookie balls with this!

  7. Parisa says:

    I really like it, it taste like chocolate cheesecake and its not that bad carbs/sugar wise per tbsp .. My boyfriend thinks it taste foul so more for me! yum!

  8. logansmom123 says:

    giveaway is live on the site right now

  9. logansmom123 says:

    forgot to add – only for 1000 fpc’s so hurry


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