Next time you head to Walmart Canada, be sure to have a good look at the salad dressing section, as you may be able to find Newman’s Own Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing for just $1! Perhaps this item is being discontinued as there are several new flavours of the dressing on the shelf.
The dressing is of course already a great price at just $1, even if you simply use it for marinating meat or vegetables. There is a coupon that you may have though that would make the dressing nearly free. In an earlier edition of the Smart Source coupon insert, there was a coupon for 75 cents off the purchase of Newman’s Dressing, expiring August the 31st, 2015. If you have this coupon you will pay just 25 cents for the Balsamic dressing if it happens to be $1 at your store.
Please note that in store deals such as this do vary considerably by location, and may not be available where you are. This is merely a heads up that it is something to watch for while you are shopping, as you never know and you may get lucky!
Click here to to find a Walmart Canada location near you.