Presidents Choice Canada: Free $20 Gift Card When You Spend $60 Or More On P&G Products


The Loblaws franchise is offering a great promo with P&G prodcuts right now!  Spend $60 or more before taxes in one transaction and receive a $20 Presidents Choice gift card by mail in rebate.  You also can go to Brand Saver and order your coupons for the products to save even more (Starts January 5th).  Combine this with sales and you could really cash in!  Purchases must be made by January 31 2011, and all mail in rebates must be received by February 14th 2011.  For further details and to download the mail in rebate form click here.

7 responses to “Presidents Choice Canada: Free $20 Gift Card When You Spend $60 Or More On P&G Products”

  1. wendyjane says:

    Great deal for eastern provinces and those with no LD nearby 😉

  2. dawn says:

    Ya but and this is a big one extra foods in Saskatchewan half the time does not stock most of the items when deals like this are out so good to the ones who have a store who puts the stock on the shelf when the deals are on and not like my store that wait till after the sale or deals are over .

  3. couponfreak says:

    thats an easy one to hit 2 eight back blades for fusion razor should do it or pretty close

  4. ASMDRANGON says:

    Extra foods is NOT on the participating retailers list.

  5. dawn says:

    Extra foods is owned by Loblaws and is also a part of President Choice but good to know wont wast my time with this one as for the post on Fusion razors when ever they are on sale at Extra Foods and coupons are out they take them off the shelf till the sale is over .

  6. Lennea says:

    Awesome ~ Thank you!

  7. ALMI says:

    Will the rebate be applicable on a receipt where coupons have been applied and the amount you end up paying is less than the required $60?


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