Rango Printable Discount Coupon Save $5 Available To Canada To Print July 8th Release Date Is July 15th


On July 8th click here to print off a $5 savings coupon for the movie Rango.  This movie is released on July 15th.  Johnny Depp stars as the frisky lizard Rango in this family film.  I prefer my Johnny all piratey, not lizardy. How do your like your Johnny? (Keep this pg13 please)


21 responses to “Rango Printable Discount Coupon Save $5 Available To Canada To Print July 8th Release Date Is July 15th”

  1. Sally says:

    I like my Johnny bare naked on a bear skin rug!

  2. missbobloblaw says:

    Heyyyy! What happened to the HUGE pic of hot Johnny? Now I have to squint to see it! 😉

  3. Sally says:

    Hahah, You want it back?

    U got it!

    I likes me a dirty pirate Johnny!

  4. bhlombardy says:

    Is it appropriate for a straight man to answer the OP’s question?

    I prefer my Johnny all “fear and loathing”-y (ala Hunter S Thompson)

    No point in mentioning these bats, I thought. Poor bastard will see them soon enough.

  5. Natalka says:

    Yo-ho-ho! I prefers me a scallywag Johnny, to be sure!
    Shiver me timbers!

  6. GoJays says:

    Any Johnny is a good Johnny

  7. Heyya says:

    that Rango movie sucked. did anyone else see it?

  8. Clara says:

    I prefer my Johnny mad like a hatter. He rules as a pirate too

  9. DDM says:

    I wouldn’t recommend the movie personally. I was glad my younger two had fallen asleep and missed most of it. Lots of people left in the middle of it too, so we weren’t alone in our opinion.

  10. AmberLab says:

    Rango sucked. Stick with Pirates for your Johnny-tainment.

  11. Michnty says:

    It still says check back July 8th….as far as I know, today is July 8th. When is the coupon going to be available??

  12. Carol says:

    I agree with Michnty – today is July 8 but it says check back on July 8!!!

  13. peanie says:

    this coupon is vaildin US ONLY

  14. Sally says:

    Peanie, scroll down to the bottom left where it says “Canadian Residents” English or French…. there is your Canadian version.

  15. Michnty says:

    Does anyone know if downloading the “coupon printer” app is safe? I have printed coupons before with barcodes and never had to download this app first.

  16. Ella Bella says:

    Sally, mine won’t scroll down. Is there anyway to get the link to the Canadain coupon without clicking there?

  17. Brenda says:

    Can you still download the $ 5.00 off Rango movie coupon after the 8th?

  18. Brenda says:

    question from answer 14 to Peanie from Sally…. scroll down to the bottom left of where to receive the Canadian Coupon ???? left of the whole screen/page or to the bottom of the advertisement…. can’t find it !!!!

  19. Terrie says:

    quote”scroll down to the bottom left where it says “Canadian Residents” English or French…. there is your Canadian version”. end quote

    There is nowhere on that page bottom left or otherwise, where it says Canadian

  20. Terrie says:

    for canadian coupon click on view tab on your computer then select full screen. Thank you braysma for the tip

  21. AJ says:

    I cant get it to work…the coupon printer keeps try to install…then doesnt print…help


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