Real Canadian Super Store Freebie: FREE Crest Toothpaste Using Coupon

crest superstore freebie***Freebie!***

Starting Friday March 7th, 2014 the Real Canadian Super Store will have Crest Toothpaste on sale for only $1.00! By combining this sale with one of the available coupons, you will receive your Crest Toothpaste for absolutely FREE (maybe have to pay taxes?)

You can either use the tear-pad coupon from Shopper’s Drug Mart or from RCSS (Real Canadian Superstore) to get your FREE Crest Toothpaste if there are any left.


If you ordered the Crest coupons from P&G Brand Saver from my previous blog post in January you could use the save $2.50 when you buy any Crest Toothpaste or Mouthwash coupon. I have the coupon here in front of me and the fine print says it excludes the Crest Cavity Protection, so you would just have to buy the Crest Regular on sale if using this coupon.

Click here to see the Crest on sale for only $1.00 in the Real Canadian Super Store Flyer!

6 responses to “Real Canadian Super Store Freebie: FREE Crest Toothpaste Using Coupon”

  1. Peppermint Patty says:

    Maybe some internal communication is required since this was blogged yesterday by someone else? Don’t mean to nitpick but really.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Why re-blog?? Pepsi box coupons first and now this, Don’t you guys search first??!! Isn’t there is another luggage sale you could blog instead??

  3. haine says:

    Why don’t you all shut up and appreciate the work they do for this site instead of complaining about reblogs? I mean sorry to your PRECIOUS eyes that you had to re-see this and 2 seconds of your life to scroll past it. OhhHHhh noes.

  4. amanda says:

    Is this only in Ontario? Or available in BC as well? ?

  5. Janice says:

    Looks to me that Cheryl and Peppermint Patty should be blocked from the site as they do not appreciate the work involved. That or they need to eat some sugar to sweeten up or get outside for some sunshine.


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