This week our members have been finding some great deals on laundry products, thanks to Real Canadian Superstore. Forum member coley3 let us know about an in store offer of 3000 PC points for Sunlight 32 load laundry detergent, which is selling for $4.98. You likely also have a variety of coupons for Sunlight laundry detergent from various coupon inserts, the latest being a $1 coupon. Use that coupon, pay just $3.98, and get 3000 points worth $3! This is like paying just 98 cents.
Forum member MrsMer spotted not only the Sunlight laundry detergent, but also discovered Snuggle fabric softener sheets 120’s for $4.98, with 3000 bonus PC points. This deal is made even better with the $1.50 SmartSource coupon that is available to print by clicking here.
These bonus points offers may vary by store, and will likely end by the end of today. Should you go to Superstore and not see the tag with the bonus points advertised, you could always take one of the items to the cash to see if you would get the 3000 points for purchasing.
Thank you to our forum members for posting about these points offers, and you can click here to read more about the offers on our forum.
Thank you!
I didn’t have coupons, but this was still a good deal.
Price matched freshco today for sunlight @$3.97 used 2-$1 off coupons and purchased 7 for less than $5 when you factor in points.