Real Canadian Superstore Ontario: Get Pringles For Only 68 Cents After Coupon This Week

Get a great deal on Pringles this week at Real Canadian Superstore Ontario! Until October the 3rd, which is Wednesday of this week, Real Canadian Superstore Ontario has Pringles on sale for $1.68 There are a couple of different versions of $1 coupons out there, so if you have those coupons you can use them with this sale, and pay just 68 cents per can of Pringles.

One of the $1 coupons looks to be a regular tear pad coupon. The other coupon for $1 off is part of a booklet of coupons valid on a variety of Kellogg’s products, including Pringles. If you happen to find these coupons let us know where! You may also be fortunate enough to have a PC Optimum for Pringles as I’ve seen one pop up in my account quite often.

Click here to view this offer in the Real Canadian Superstore Ontario flyer. 

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