Tax Free Weekend is here again! Dec 12th and 13th are no tax days at Real Canadian Superstores in Ontario. This is a good opportunity to use up your FPC (free product coupons). This is during store hours, 7am -11pm, check your local stores for more details.
I’ve read that the tax free days in the Atlantic are Dec 11th and 12th (Friday & Saturday).
Thanks to couponlady for the heads up!
thanks! missed out on the last one
There is a $3off Butterball Stuffed Turkey coupon that was in the ClipnSave (Can Living mag) exp 31dec09! Turkeys $1.39/lb less $3coupon! 🙂
For Winnipeg it’s the 10th and 11th.
Awesome… I am so there. Gonna use up all my fpcs.
Where can I get those FPCS
Loblaws too is tax free (for Quebec)
We have really taken advantage of the coupons and specials they have at the Superstore. Last time there was a tax free weekend, pop was on sale too so we got quite a few cases of that and etc. We saved over $10 on tax for that grocery bill. When they have the coupon for something free if you get so much in groceries, we stock up on meat and non perishables and stuff for the daughter in university and stuff for the food bank that week. Then we take our receipt and the gas coupon and save $5-15 on gas too. Every little bit counts!
i bought about $125 worth of groceries and a few miscelaneous items last time, didn’t go out of my way to do any un-usual shopping that day.
saved a little over $3 in the tax free thing.
Went yesterday late in the evening as our Superstore open 24 hrs, I have no watch, got through the cash at 11:01 and was not entitled to TAX free as it is only till 11:00. Few minutes with manager and all was settled and I got my $7 back. So do remember about 11pm cut off.
I just went to a Superstore in NB and finished some shopping. They have great deals on DVDs, clothes and household items right now. I got my brother a PSP and several games (PSP & games were on sale) and I saved about $60 alone on that. They also have a 50% off sale on jewellery (as long as the price does not end in $0.00). I got my grandmother a nice necklace and bracelet regular $75.98 half price, and no tax!
Does RCSS sell Ipods??? Looking for Ipod Nano or similar??? Thanks!
CarlyinCanada 🙂
As others have pointed out, it might not be worth going out of your way for no-tax weekend especially if you don’t have many taxable items to get. But if you are running low on anything taxable like health/beauty items, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items or have coupons that can be used toward purchase of trial sized items like toothpaste, shampoo, etc (these are great for donating or as stocking stuffer) it is worth waiting to run your errands on the weekend and spending a bit of time in those aisles to see if what you need is on sale. If you’re lucky you can then get some of those otherwise taxable items on sale and no tax.
If you still have some holiday shopping to do, they have some gift packs (like we’d find at SDM or WM) and tons of toys (on sale) so saving tax on those items would be well worth it.
frugal_gal, I agree not being charged tax is not a huge saving especially on groceries since on most items you won’t pay tax anyway. But personally for me, I was supposed to go grocery shopping on Friday, now I am going Saturday because of this sale, and using some of my fpc’s to save the tax that I normally would of paid on them, so to me, it’s decent.
Does anyone know if/when it will be tax free in BC?
does the tax free promotion also apply to other stores like Zehrs, which is owned by the same company?
I called RCSS they do NOT sell Ipods! Oh well!
Will still go as I have my $80 in PC GC’s to use (from Glade promo)
Frugal_Gal Great comment! Also there are small kitchen applicances on sale Toaster $21 & Coffeemaker $26, Roaster $22…so good for no tax!
LOL, my Toaster just gave out! So may have to look at this one!
I spend like $215 tonight and $10 in tax saved, but I didn’t have to pay tax on my fpc and that was the main incentive for me.
When is the next tax free day at the Superstore in Winnipeg? That is till Dec 31 2009