If you are looking for deals on gift cards this week you can head to Real Canadian Superstore West for some bonus PC Optimum points on Roots and Netflix gift cards.
From July the 20th to the 2nd of August, collect 10,000 bonus PC Optimum points when you buy a $50 Roots or $60 Netflix gift card. This is a value of $10, which saves you 20% off the Roots gift card, and 16% off the Netflix gift card. You also have the option of purchasing these gift cards in smaller amount in order to get a bonus. When you buy a $25 Roots gift card, you will get 5,000 PC Optimum points, and you will also receive 5,000 points for the purchase of a $30 Netflix gift card.
If you personally use Netflix it’s a great idea to pick up the gift cards when there is promotion like this. There is no limit on the number of gift cards that you can buy, but keep in mind the offer is while supplies last, and there are no rain checks.
Click here to view the Real Canadian Superstore West flyer, valid July the 20th to the 26th.