Reitman’s Canada $5 Flip Flops and a Free Beach Bag wtih $75 Purchase

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have kind of a flip flop obsession.  I think it’s because they are relatively cheap so I can get a pair to match each outfit.  Reitman’s has just given me another excuse to buy more of them!  They have their flip flops priced at only $5!  They have some great colors (that I don’t have already) and they are patterned.  Oh and if you spend $75 you get a Free beach bag.  Did I mention the bags match the flip flops!

Click here to check out the flip flops online.

Thanks to SFARAZ for posting this deal for us!

One response to “Reitman’s Canada $5 Flip Flops and a Free Beach Bag wtih $75 Purchase”

  1. herpaderpadoo says:

    i also a flip flop junkie and LOVE the patterns they have at Reitman’s, but i think i’ll wait for the annual Old Navy $1 flip flop sale June 30th


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