Today’s deal at Reitmans Canada is 50% off all tops, and there is a two-day deal of 40% off everything else. The 40% off offer is valid today through to tomorrow, November the 24th. Sale styles are up to 60% off, and for a limited time you can save an extra 30%. Prices are as marked for all sale items, and shipping is free on orders of $49 or more.
For every $40 that you spend at Reitmans from now until December the 10th you will receive $30 in R Cash. Each code received can be redeemed on a purchase of $75 or more from January the 1st to February the 3rd. Coupon codes will be sent out after the earning period has ended. Some time after December the 10th you will receive an emailing containing all of the codes that you qualified for. For example, if you spent $120 between November 13th and December 10th, you will an email with three codes.
Click here to shop these Black Friday offers at Reitman’s Canada.