Rexall Canada Bonus Air Miles Event: Sept. 9 – 11, 2011


Here is a fantastic Air Miles promo from Rexall! Receive 50 bonus air Miles when you spend $50 or more (usual exclusions apply). The regular rate of Air Miles at Rexall is $10/1 Air Mile, which is already much better than most Air Miles sponsors, so this is great time to rack up your miles.

Click here to view the Rexall flyer.

5 responses to “Rexall Canada Bonus Air Miles Event: Sept. 9 – 11, 2011”

  1. operabob says:

    based on the avarage value of Gift Cards at AirMiles it’s equivalent to an 11.43% savings.

  2. Tiana says:

    What’s the rate/ special promo for Aeroplan in the West?

  3. cmoody8107 says:

    Got all my FPCs ready to go for this promo!

  4. daddy_of_2_girls says:

    cmoody8107: ME TOO!

  5. Sad2C ItGo says:

    The special in the west is 100 Aeroplan points for $50. The regular rate is 1 AP point per $1 spent.

    25,000 AP will get you a classic flight anyplace within North America if you aren’t picky about your travel dates. Of course, AP offers flights at more expensive rates too.


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