Rexall PharmaPlus Canada Deals: Get 100 Bonus Miles When You Spend $80 on Anything + New Flyers Deals!


Right now at Rexall Pharma Plus Canada, the more money you spend the more free miles you get!

  • Spend $40 on anything, get 40 additional miles
  • Spend $60 on anything, get 60 additional miles
  • Spend $80 on anything, get 100 additional miles

Plus, there are plenty of other great weekly deals going on now, check these out:

  • Buy one, get one 50% off Aveeno products
  • Save 25% on Neutrogena products
  • Just $8.99 for children’s Motrin

Plus 3 days only Deals: Rexall Canada SC Flyer deals

Click here to view the Rexall Canada flyer.

3 responses to “Rexall PharmaPlus Canada Deals: Get 100 Bonus Miles When You Spend $80 on Anything + New Flyers Deals!”

  1. Jay says:

    Meh. Earning airmiles has now become less fulfilling than getting fake karma/likes. Screw them for hiding rewards and making it practically impossible to redeem.

    • FallenPixels says:

      I changed mine to Cash miles, I would rather save on groceries than the possible redemptions they offer

  2. Ciel says:

    I take notice of the Rexall bonus miles when they are double the amount of the min. spend required & there’s also a product bonus AM offer as well. Cash Miles all the way-$10 e-gift cards have been most welcome.


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