Run ladies!!!! Rexall is having their nail polish sale again! 40% off nail polish and treatments. Our local Rexall has a great assortment of many brands including Opi! I have so much nail polish I might have to invest in a storage unit. I’ve been teasing my husband that I’m going to paint my new SUV in nail polish haha.
Click here to find the closest Rexall near you.
just got my bottles for 5.59 each…YES!!!!
What? There are Rexall stores out there that sell OPI?? Boo I wish mine did! Went and picked up a few polishes today. Maybe some nail treatments too after I read some reviews on them.
Where are you located? The two Rexalls by me only carry Nicole by OPI, not OPI. But I got a 7 piece nail polish set for $5.99. They tried to say it wasn’t on sale because was a set. That isn’t what the sign in the store said, it said all nail polish and nail treatments on sale, excludes nail implements.
Thank you!!!!
The OPI nailpolish I bought at my store was 6.59, but stil a really good deal!
What locations sell OPI? Are you sure it’s not Nicole by OPI?
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