Rexall Canada Save 10% on Stamps June 10-16


This one is especially for all you coupon train people on the forum!  From Friday June 10 to Thursday June 16 you can save 10% on your stamp purchases at Rexall stores.  You are, however, limited to 3 books of stamps.  Some of you might have to make a couple trips throughout the week to stock up.   Got to love saving on mailing coupons, LOL.

Thanks to mangocat for posting the Rexall stamp sale for us.

9 responses to “Rexall Canada Save 10% on Stamps June 10-16”

  1. Lynn says:

    Um, isn’t it ironic that they have a sale on stamps when they are planning on going on strike? Hmmmmmmm!………..

  2. janice says:

    thank you

  3. Ciel says:

    Saving on stamps is always welcome! Thank you!

  4. Laura says:

    ugh…there is no rexall places where I live…only shoppers drug marts

  5. Shirley says:

    Good deal!!! Arg! There is no Rexall where I live!

  6. EdLeafs says:

    Good deal, you are basically getting 1 free stamp.

  7. Hello says:

    Any new deals for fall?


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